Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

Tell us what’s happening:

I was able to start the Mario database pioject, but then once i left it to come back i am unable to log in to the workspace. I took a screenshot of the error that i received,

this forum is really difficult to navigate. You have to click through each individual post to find out if it relates to your inquiry. If you request we research beforehand, surely you can meet us halfway and do something about this layout.

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Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

Gitpod seems to have been finicky. I apologize for the inconvenience.

As for the layout, I don’t quite understand what you mean. Can you explain further?

First my apologies for being vague. I thought my space was limited to ask my question which is why i heavily edited it.
The thing that i notice when I check out the forum is the only information you initially get is the specs of the computer system the individual is posting about and what exercise they are having questions about. This is not helpful.

for instance:
Dec 2022 - …10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Challenge: Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1 - Build a Student Database: Part 1 Link to the challenge: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/relational-database/learn-sql-by-building-a-student-database-part-1/build-a-student-databas

that tells me nothing. only that they are on Part 1 of Build A Student Database etc. I have no idea if the question they are asking is related to mine or not. And EVERY entry is like this. So they only way to uncover the substantive part of the post is to click on each and every entry individually which becomes even more cumbersome when some of the entries don’t even post a question and then there is the usual dialogue of “make sure you post a question in post” etc.
The ridiculous questionnaire you have to go through before you are even allowed to post is also quite disconcerting. I understand the need for it, but perhpaps there would be less question overlap if the content of the forum was more easily accessible. This prescreening process comes across the administrators of the forum are tired of having to answer the same question multiple times and the user should be checking to make sure. This position would make sense, if the information in the forum was actually accessible without having to jump through a dozen hoops to maybe find the answer. I certainly understand having to answer the question a million times is frustrating so is clicking on 15 different threads to hopefully find the content you are looking for. My point here is i think the layout needs an overhaul so that we the users can have easier access to get our questions answered because i’m tired of clicking on 10 posts to find that 7 of them have nothing in them.