Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

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So basically there are 2 problems:
1 Problem :was solved thankfully to a post created already tg(Reconneting to PostgreSQL )
2 Problem is sometimes i get kicked out of the workspace and if I reconnect to it again to the right one and I need to go back where i left to like connecting to database listing the content of the available database and data stuff the steps get completed even though it is not what was asked for and I get it repeatedly if I want to just double check if everything is ok.

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Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database - Build a Mario Database

Hi @sugirthan.arulsothy

Thanks for writing to us. We might need a bit of clarification about your requests.

Is the Problem 1 already sovled?

About the Problem 2:

Whether you are making your exercises from your desktop or from the browser…:

reconnect to it again to the right one

It appears that you have several workspaces about the same exercise but you are using one of them to get the qualification, right?

Or does your problem have anything to do with the connectivity to your workspace?

I need to go back where i left … the steps get completed even though it is not what was asked for … and I get it repeatedly if I want to just double check if everything is ok.

It appears that you want to check if everything is fine even if you already passed the challenge? This is what you want? Or do you mean that the exercise gets completed even when, according to you, you wrote the wrong commands?

Hi @evaristoc

right the first problem is solved by doing a workaround. I need to do that nearly everytime if I go back to the tasks connecting again to the GitPod workspace.

thanks to this post.

The 2 Problem is I work from the desktop. Yes right I saw that I have multiple workpaces even tough I deleted those cause of the Problem 1 at first. After that I checked GitPod and saw that there are many workspaces. Even though I opend only two the one I am working for and the second to connect to postgres again.

And yes I just want to check that everything is there even thoug I completed it and with the commands that has nothing to do with the actual task it gets completed almost everytime.
Hope I could clarifiied it well enough;

Thank You!


Even though I opend only two the one I am working for and the second to connect to postgres again.

This is an interesting strategy. Are both desktop? Just bear in mind that only one will be verified as completed, and that by opening several workspaces you are also consuming your limited hours with GitPod (each of them amounts to usage time).

Try to see if you can connect to your database with a single one after connecting to CodeRoad? In that order: CodeRoad, then database.

I just want to check that everything is there even thoug I completed it and with the commands that has nothing to do with the actual task it gets completed almost everytime.

This is because the way your progress is tracked by CodeRoad. You are right - there are other challenge settings where modifying your code might show in your CodeRoad as either incompleted or completed “user story”, depending if that modification was or not according to the expected result.

The implementation of CodeRoad for the Mario Database exercise and for several others is different: it verifies just once if correct, and then it won’t change that status unless you forcefully reset the exercise with the “Reset” button. Resetting might not be recommended though, especially if you are doing fine with your progress.

For this case I would suggest you to trust the outcome. But keep having that mindset: it is always good practice to double check your work!