Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1

I hit the top reset, did the first exercise, and was able to hit run multiple times thereafter to pass the problematic step.

The lesson asks us to include the IFS a few steps later. However, I’m running into the same issue again. Having to reset the tutorial and just click through again is tedious, and I’d like to understand what the issue is.


So I got back to where I was and was able to progress a few more steps before having to stop the gitpod via the workspace page. When I opened it again and tried to connect to the student schema in Postgres it tells me nothing to connect to. and sure enough if I try to see all items just after logging in to postgres I get the same response. Now I do notice that when I start CodeRoad it shows that it is trying to run reset.sh and then a get a prompt in the bottom right that says a scipt is trying to run Open in Browser, Preview or one other option. I"m sure they are related to the problem but I don’t know why the reset script would run automatically.

Hi @BakingBread

Try creating the database, then connect to it.

Happy coding

So run the bash script the program has been having us create?

Pretend you are at the beginning of the project.

Login to the psql terminal, create the database, then connect to the database.

Awwww do I have ta… lol

But why do I need to recreate the whole database and tables? I’m at the step of having finished the script and checking all the tables to make sure they have the correct entries after running the script.

That is just to login and connect to the database, as long as you use the dashboard to load the past session.

Then press Run multiple times.

Maybe I’m having a dense moment. Initially I got a place in the program… lets says 86% done. Then one day when I went to go back into the program CodeRoad started me at the first screen of opening a terminal and doing the echo statement. So I did the reset, did the first command of opening terminal and running echo statement. Then I hit of series of Run multiple times to get back to the 86% done and the command/task I was on. So I did a few more tasks and lets say I’m now at 95%. Had to stop my progress and stopped my gitpod from the workspace. The next time I logged into my gitpod from the workspace… I get the last place I stopped and a the bottom of the screen shows the reset script working when I didn’t even press anything. Now I’m at the right step and done with all the code, but the whole database and structure are gone. So I have to recreate the database and it’s column structure or do I need to hit reset and then do all the Runs yet again?

Hi @mcastillolewis

Are you still having issues with bash?

HI @BakingBread

It looks like the courses are designed to be worked on in one session.

I’ve had problems when the steps stop working, or the database gets disconnected.

In the terminal typing q seems to dislodge unresponsive commands.

You could try taking a break for a few days, then start a fresh session.

There maybe some error occurring under the hood, which is preventing the session from running smoothly.

Happy coding

I some how got it back to where it needed to be and completed the course. Though I do not have the check mark beside the course acknowledging my completion in the list of courese in the database curriculum. Maybe it takes time or maybe I need to go back through in one fell swoop but that is a long course to do in one sitting.

The issue was that I was entering it into the terminal, not the shell script…