To implement this, you will use the .find() method discussed in the previous step. Modify your existing .find() call passing it text[0] as the argument instead of 'z' .
The code you provided is throwing an error.
Please read the instructions carefully. For this step you need to replace the argument in the .find() call with a specific expression.
Queremos que nos encuentre el primer caracter de la cadena que está dentro de la variable ‘text’. Por tanto tenemos que poner text[0] dentro del método find().
Lo que a mi me pasaba es que ponía ‘text[0]’ dentro de find() así, entre comillas. Al poner text[0] sin comillas me aceptó el ejercicio.
Hopefully you were able to find the solution! If not, it looks like you’re on the right track.
You modified a bit too much. Focus your changes to the contents of the alphabet.find( ) instead of the .find( ) itself.