Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 42

Tell us what’s happening:

I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried to do what the hint is telling me but it doesn’t work.
The hint: You should use the += operator to add char to the current value of encrypted_text inside your new if statement.

Your code so far

# User Editable Region

text = 'Hello World'
shift = 3
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
encrypted_text = ''

for char in text.lower():
    if char == ' ': 'space!'
    index = alphabet.find(char)
    new_index = index + shift
    encrypted_text += alphabet[new_index]
    print('char:', char, 'encrypted text:', encrypted_text,)

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Learn String Manipulation by Building a Cipher - Step 42

Hello, first reset the lesson then delete the print('space!') statement but keep the indentation as it is, replace that statement with another that uses the addition assignment operator to add the space (currently stored in char ) to the current value of encrypted_text .
Here is an example of using the addition assignment operator to add the value of a variable called b to the current value of a variable called a

a += b
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This! The instruction are a little unclear in the lesson. Like Constant said, we’re scrapping the print that we added recently and replacing with += addition operator. Play with the variables mentioned in the instructions. Happy Coding!

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