Let’s discuss your “Timestamp Microservice”

I prefer building all my projects locally so github code is based on that.
Project link is Glitch.

Project link: https://sm-timestamp-microservice.glitch.me/
Github Repo: https://github.com/nazarja/timestamp-microservice

repo: https://github.com/Dereje1/Time-Stamp
link: https://timestamp-micro-serv.glitch.me/

For some reason unix time stamps don’t exactly match the example project’s, the difference is in trailing zeros, but checking with other sources my stamps are correct , so not exactly sure what is going on. --> I just kept mine in ms from epoch time as the user stories did not specify the units of the unix tstamp

I had the same issue, I think it’s because the javascript epoch (using Date module) is not the same as the unix epoch (trailing zeros as you said) and therefore it can cause some issues.
The way I deal with it is by multiplying/dividing by 1000.

Get Javascript date from input (in unix format):

var javascriptEpoch = unixEpoch * 1000;

Get unix format from Javascript date:

var unixEpoch = javascriptEpoch / 1000;

I think it works this way.
Let me know if it helped


Yes, it is because the time stamp returned is in ms from epoch time, where as people are rounding it off to seconds, but the user stories did not specify what units to return the unix time stamp in, and so, like i said above, i left it as the original format, milliseconds, which is actually more accurate, thanks for looking at it

Here’s mine, try to practice it w/ koa framework

Project Link: https://keen-aardvark.glitch.me/
Source Code: https://github.com/birdca/TimestampMicroservice

Hello fellow campers,
Please critic my Timestamp Microservice Project,
Project link => https://fcc3-timestamp-microservice.glitch.me/
Source code => https://github.com/ygretharekar/fcc3-timestamp-microservice

Hello FCC fellows!

Finally I started to work on API projects after taking several node.js tutorials outside FCC.

Here is my first project.
Project link
Source code

My Project

Link https://jolav.me/freecodecamp/old/apis/time/time.html
Source Code https://github.com/jolav/freeCodeCamp/tree/master/old/apis

Back to FreeCodeCamp after a long pause, with the completion of the first API challenge in the back-end certification.
Took me a long time to sort things out with git-hub, heroku, express framework, clementine template. Now I should be up to speed.

Project Page: https://fcctimestampdm.herokuapp.com/
Source Code : https://github.com/daniel-mlr/fcctimestampdm

It’s been a while but I’m back!
Project Link: https://timestamp-ms-0.glitch.me/
Source Code: https://github.com/Arun4033622/fcc-timestamp-microservice

Project Link - https://letsziggy-freecodecamp-timestamp-microservice.glitch.me/
Source Code - https://github.com/LetsZiggy/FreeCodeCamp-Timestamp-Microservice

Note: I’m using plain Node.js APIs instead of Express.

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Source: https://github.com/adamgibs/Timestamp
App: http://timestamp20180127121442.azurewebsites.net/api/timestamp

The app is built in C# Asp.net Core 2 instead of Node. And I’ve deployed it to Azure.

Project Link – https://autumnchris-timestamp-api.herokuapp.com
Source Code – https://github.com/autumnchris/timestamp-api

Feedback is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Project Link – https://timestamp-user883311.glitch.me
Source Code – https://github.com/user883311/timestamp-microservice

Let me know your feedback :wink:

Hi Guys,

Here is my project : https://timestamp-fcc-klolivei.glitch.me/
Here is the code: https://github.com/klolivei/Backend-JS

I’m having trouble to prevent the user to do bad html requests.
Any hint?

Note that I’m closing this thread. It’s much easier to get feedback if you create your own individual post requesting feedback for your own specific project.

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