Let's discuss your "Global Meteorite Map Data Visualization"

Project Link: https://codepen.io/_dev_noise/pen/vmbwjY

Using D3 v4.
For me this one was easy than the Force Directed Graph.

I saw your post as I was starting my project. With that issue in mind I sorted the meteorites by their mass. So the smaller one would be created after the big ones. This seemed to allow the tooltip to work for all of the circles.

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Here is mine I stole dNCā€™s idea of sorting the meteors by mass. Played around with viewBox trying to truncate the map (no meteor strikes in Greenland and Antartica) but couldnā€™t get it to work. Did implement zoom and pan.

Here is my meteorite map.
Simple blue style and hover effect and after effect.

And done , https://dereje1.github.io/Globe-Data/

Happy to be done with data viz, learned quite a lot about react and d3, both quite powerful front-end tools, and now for the back end challenge!

Morning :-),

one of my favorite challenges!



Good morning,

Finally completed this challenge using React and D3 v4.
Here is mine : https://codepen.io/risyana/full/POWmVB/

Project => https://jolav.me/freecodecamp/old/data/meteor-landing/meteor.html

Hereā€™s mine - http://bl.ocks.org/sharad-vm/af74ae5932de1bcf5a39b0f3f849d847

I added a bit of animation to visualize the meteorite strike. Any feedback is welcome.

My version of Meteorite Map : project link
That was very exciting project. Later i will return to make some fixes for IE (IE does not support backticks in code). In other browsers it works, sometimes slow :frowning:.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/LetsZiggy/full/xYbMEJ/

Note that Iā€™m closing this thread. Itā€™s much easier to get feedback if you create your own individual post requesting feedback for your own specific project.