Let's discuss your "JavaScript Calculator"

Cool design, I like it and looks like you put in some extra features!

Thank you for the feedback

Hello, everyone. :smiley:
This is my project link.
I would appreciate it if you could point out anything to me.

Not only JavaScript, this challenge made me to notice CSS Grid is very useful and joyful.
Thank you for reading.

Hello guys I just finished with my JavaScript Calculator please let me know if you find any flaws

Hi everyone,

Here is my Javscript calculator project: http://codepen.io/bennibee23/full/VbrKNw/

I made it using D3 because I accidentally skipped to that area of the lessons lol. Is it better to make everything from scratch over D3?

I was also wondering why the fonts in the screen area do not look as crisp as the buttons. Can anyone tell me why that is?

Hi fellow campers,

Finally, here is my calculator.
Feel free to try it, is it working as expected? It also should display well on all kinds of devices. I would love to hear your comments!


I tried your calculator, but I think there is something not working right.
After I finish a calculation and hit a digit key (because I want to make another calculation), the display doesnā€™t show that digit, but another number instead.
Hitting the clear key is the only way to avoid that. In my opinion, your calculator would improve if you fix that.

My Calc Link - http://codepen.io/benjaminadk/full/PmRwxg/

this was a hard one for me. i went through 4 or 5 pens before i settled on code that worked for me. sometimes simple is better. for my calc u can enter a crazy non math combo of buttons and eval will just spit that right back. so i put in a undo or backspace key. prior to this i was going crazy with if blocks and switch blocks trying to make it so a user couldnt put certian inputs at certain times. turns out the problem wasnt as complicated as i thought.
anyways let me know what u think and if u find any glitches. thanks.

i like the sub screen. how if u are chaining operations it updates the new total every time u press a new operation. nice overall look as well.

I like the look and feel of your calculator. What I think you really should fix though, is the way the calculator is displayed both on large and small screens.

Even on large screens, the buttons break out of the calculator, and to get to the bottom buttons, I have to scroll down, and then back up to see the result. Making some buttons filling up an entire row makes the calculator even longer.
On small devices, only one button fits in a row, making the calculator really hard to use.

I know itā€™s challenging enough to make an app work properly, but if you push it a bit further and take the userā€™s experience into account right from the start you could make a great product.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback I will definitely look into it

Project Link - http://codepen.io/tlannoye11/full/LydLaR/

Some added features I made include the backspace key ("<") and the absolute key ("+/-").

One thing I wasnā€™t too sure on was whether or not I needed to code both the All Clear (ā€œACā€) key AND the Clear Expression (ā€œCEā€) key.

Please let me know how I did!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/miga89/pen/QvrJGM

See the Pen Javascript Calculator (FCC) by Michael (@miga89) on CodePen.


Iā€™d love to get some feedback on my javascript calculator:

Project link: http://codepen.io/CodeyMcC/pen/BRGQWw?editors=1100

It doesnā€™t look nearly as realistic as the examples but Iā€™m happy with what Iā€™ve got! Had issues trying to get an actual Clear Entry button rather than just a clear all but noticed that the actual calculator had clear all for both and my functionality still met the criteria! :grin:

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Project Link - https://60noy.github.io/Calculator/
Flat Design Calculator with an additional feature to view your calculations and delete them.
I have done that using ReactJS AND I designed everything myself - NO DESIGN LIBRARY INCLUDED : smiley:

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Took me a while to figure out how the array and eval() would solve pretty much the entire thing.

Satisfying to have finally finishedā€¦
Tried to make it look pretty at the very end.

Check out my JavaScript Calculator! Feedback Welcome!

Here is my CodePen : https://codepen.io/LCreation/full/jmgaBq

Iā€™ve struggled dealing with numbers too long and commas, but all is working now I think!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/lalov1/full/NjEWrm/