Let's discuss your "JavaScript Calculator"

Link https://codepen.io/hollowsamff/full/XaRPMB/
Any Feedback appreciated.

Has error with CE button (i.e when a minus number is input and then the CE button is pressed).

It looks great, however an error occurs if I type two operators in a row i.e. ā€œ5+++2ā€ would should up and not evaluate.

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Thank you! Iā€™ll fix it.

Here is my approach to the topic: https://codepen.io/adam-gora/full/ayQWXx/

I hope itā€™s okay that I used ReactJS for this challenge. I have some solid foundations on JavaScript, and Iā€™m currently learning React, so I thought I can combine the two.

Thanks for all the feedback

Hereā€™s my recreation of the iOS calculator :slight_smile:

Here it is my project - https://codepen.io/ros_stoev/full/xLmKxW/

Iā€™m so glad finished this challenge. It was very important for me to do this and when i finaly made it Iā€™m really happy and self-satisfied. :slight_smile:

My code is one big horrifying switch statement lmao

Project Link: https://codepen.io/Lsmagic/full/xLeMQr/


This is mine. I started writing this one without appreciating a clear idea of the logic involved so I had to write it again. I think Iā€™ve managed to avoid bugs in the end but if anyone sees one, let me know. Thanks: https://codepen.io/Code_Noob_/full/PJpjpm/

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Hi! Here is my humble calculator https://codepen.io/BLBaylis/full/NadqOa/. Any critique is very welcome!

Hi, here is my calculator

https://codepen.io/gmdivani/full/JyGdbg/ please review and drop me a feedback

keymotion is really fun :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s mine :grinning: https://codepen.io/rusakkk/pen/LzrjOW

Hereā€™s my calculator https://codepen.io/alittleredpanda/full/xXQZOQ/

Hi! I didnā€™t try to do anything more complicated than the User Stories ask for as I just want to finish this challenge and spend more time working on another project of mine, so given that I wanted to make the bare minimum, do you see any bugs or issues I did not notice? https://codepen.io/Leighenne/full/Ewpmbv/ Thank you in advance!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/zapbampow/full/mBNWyE/

This was a fun one. Iā€™m happy with everything except one small thing. If the user enters math that has an infinite number of decimal places, like 1/3, then it overflows the calculator display. Iā€™ve hidden the overflow, but would love for it to simply display a max number of decimal places. Any ideas on making that happen would certainly be appreciated.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/alimur/full/rYNYLM

Project link = https://codepen.io/Hartecode/full/EbPrwL/

Projet link = https://jolav.me/freecodecamp/old/front-end/calculator/calculator.html

Project Link - https://github.com/chadpjontek/Math-and-Speak-Calculator

I believe I spent too much time on this. I got the crazy idea in my head to make an homage to the 1980 childrenā€™s learning toy, Speak and Math. Was going to just make the UI look like it but then I had to add sounds lol. Tell me what you all think.


Project Link - https://codepen.io/alecaceaes/full/XzeaWr/