Let's discuss your "JavaScript Calculator"

Haha! I should look into adding that :joy:
But oh, shoot! Thank you for catching that! I’ll definitely be fixing that soon.

https://codepen.io/dodo14/pen/eVXNyb here’s mine. what do you think about its functionality?? I really dont care about looks right now because im only focusing on Javascript and programming.

CalculatorLink - https://codepen.io/mostafazke/full/oEVdjq/

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Here is my Calculator.
To be honest, the code I wrote for this is sooo bad, and the calculator still has errors, but the main functionality is there.
Please feel free to critique and offer any insights on improvements that can be made :smile:

CodePen Link – https://codepen.io/autumnchris/full/aqLyYb
GitHub Link – source code, demo

Feedback is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Project Link - http://codepen.io/ivanlim/full/xYBdbm

Project Link - demo
Project Code - source code

Project Link - https://codepen.io/nyytang/full/oqzovJ
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you!

Hello Everyone,

Here’s mine - https://codepen.io/jfar/full/JLKyYX/

Feedback would be appreciated!Thank you

Note that I’m closing this thread. It’s much easier to get feedback if you create your own individual post requesting feedback for your own specific project.