Let's discuss your "Local Weather App"

I ran into some problems like that in mobile browser. I am trying to implement a way to give a feedback to the user when this happens. But don’t be sad, usually these kind of issues are not the users fault. See this quote.
And as a solution, try Chrome to check if the geolocation works.

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Greetings, hope all is well. Can you please take a look at my Weather App and tell me what you think… " FCC Weather App"… I have issues having it to load the JavaScript.

It is really not working. You have a problem with the geolocation API. It is using a insecure conection (HTP) and modern browsers only send geolocation data to secure connections (HTTPS).

Try using an API with HTTPS available as this one: https://fcc-weather-api.glitch.me

Note: As of Chrome 50, the Geolocation API will only work on secure contexts such as HTTPS. If your site is hosted on an non-secure origin (such as HTTP) the requests to get the users location will no longer function.

Source: HTML Geolocation API

I fixed it … I still need to complete the Js with the background … feedback would be aprreciated … here it is … Weather-app

Hey guys, just finished my Current Weather App using AccuWeather’s free API.
I’d love some feedback.

Please note that the free AccuWeather API is limited to 50 requests per day. So if you find a page with no weather data, that should be the cause.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/RickCardoso/pen/jLqLgB

I thought using radio buttons for your temp conversions was clever, but they don’t seem to be working. Celsius seems to be the default since the function runs when the form is loaded or updated. So, the buttons lack an event handler. Perhaps that was your intention of your

$(".btn-info").click(function() {

,which would re-run the API query with the radio box of the user’s choice.However, I don’t see a btn-info class in your html, or in the JS (perhaps I’m missing it?). Also, it may be heavy on resources to query the API again to make an update that could be done with data obtained from the first query (i.e., if that was your intent).


I just finished my wiki app, but also just discovered this forum, so I’d appreciate any feedback/criticism of my weather app.

You’re absolutely right, I forgot to add the btn-info class to the buttons. Just updated! Thanks for the feedback and remarks.

About the two queries, the AccuWeather API requires a location key for the current weather. So the first query gets the location key and the second gets the weather data.

I’ve done the project with Dark Sky and other APIs, but decided to stick with this one instead. The limit is daily, so it refreshes quicker and it’s an alternative I hadn’t seen anyone using @ freeCodeCamp.

Cool, makes sense. I like the project btw, nice work on the design.

Thanks!! Great to hear it!

I’ve started working on this challenge, but I realized (after some experimenting with code and after trying somebody else’s weather apps), that
I’m saying that most of the weather apps from the list doesn’t work on my browser, nearly all of them. I’ve tried different browser and it’s not ant better.
Also I failed. I can’t make it working in my code. Whatever I tried gave me the above error.
The only way to get the location (at least on my computer/browser) is by using IP address to figure it out.
I found, in my opinion brilliant code on Rick Stuart’s pen, although I can’t make navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition) working :frowning:
What do you think about it?

Edit: I’ve just checked on Chromium and it does work. I was using Firefox before.

Love the UI of your weather app! :+1:

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Project Link - https://codepen.io/hidingw/full/oezvrK/

Hi all!
I realy like this project. Then i started make Weather App i khonw only html, css and some bootstrap. Now i understand:

  • DOM
  • Basics JavaScript methods for change DOM
  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • Crossdomain request’s

And it is only start on my way.

Please, review my project Local Weather App.

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Just finished my weather app. Fun project!

project link - https://codepen.io/SamueleA/full/VzegvZ/

A few cool things I learned how to do was an on/off toggle switch in CSS and a loading screen.


Took me about five hours to complete. Feedback is appreciated.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/Arun4033622/full/RZaGEz/

Looks beautiful SamuelelA! Love the animated icons. Good job.

Design is clever. Amazing!

Wow! It is so good. Nice interface and clean. Love it. Amazing job mate.

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I haven’t finished yet but would like some feedback https://junicus.github.io/fcc-localweather/, let me know what you guys think so far

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Please give me some feedback!

Project Link - https://sheafitzek.github.io/fcc-4_weather-app/

What I’m looking for:

Insights into the structure of my code & how I may improve it.
Best practices that I could implement
Any way to shorten or streamline my code
I am interested in feedback on styling, but functionality, readability & performance are my main concern

Disclaimers (may or may not apply to this particular challenge):

I’m not using Jquery as I feel it hinders my ability to learn & truly understand vanilla JS
I’m not using Codepen because there is too much abstraction going on behind the scenes & I need to learn to set up a project from scratch

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