Let's discuss your "Local Weather App"

Project Link - https://codepen.io/kentmoreland/full/EXMVWW/

Hey everyone, here is my version of the local weather app. Any feedback/advice is much appreciated.
Have a great day!

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Project Link - https://codepen.io/23marioley/full/OjvOzN/

Hello Guys, can you give me some feedback for my Weather App??, everything is welcome, I’ll be very glad

Very good design kent

Thanks Mario! I like yours as well. My only suggestion for you is to make it mobile friendly. I like the colors and the button animation. Great job!

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Project Link - https://codepen.io/voliev/full/zdRamp/

My simple weather app.
Feel free to comment :slight_smile:

Great job Kent!

What resources did you use to understand Ajax and how to pull data from an API? I am a bit stuck on this one, any help appreciated! Thank you

Project Link - https://codepen.io/vtlk/full/zdaLxN/

Thanks, Michael!
My favorite resource for JQuery Ajax is this one from learnCode.academy - https://youtu.be/fEYx8dQr_cQ. Besides that, I used the w3schools site: https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ref_ajax.asp.
What specifically is hanging you up?

Project Link - WEATHER APP

I spent a long time on the design of the app as I wanted to add it to my portfolio.
Any feedback/advice would be great.


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Hi guys!!
This is my local weather app challenge.
Your feedback would be appreciated :slight_smile:
Thank you guys!

I just finished my weather app.

Project link https://codepen.io/Melisandre860/pen/RZYqgQ/
Any feedback and suggestions on what to improve are appreciated :slight_smile:


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Your code is really well structured and organized, very nice! You just forgot to change the location in the api url to the location returned from ipinfo. Maybe something like:

"api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=" +
loc[0] + "&lon=" + loc[1] + "&units=imperial&lang=en" +
// etc

Thanks! You’re right, I completely forgot about that. Fixed.

Would love some feedback on my Local Weather App
Project Link
Thanks a lot

I’ve worked on this one for over a week, I added a few extra features such as a loading bar and others ;), I put a lot of effort trying to make it look as presentable as possible. I’ve also implemented Bulma, a CSS framework which i’m still getting used too AND there’s also bootstrap! . I’m still having difficulty with Javascript, hopefully, it’ll be a breeze in a couple weeks. Feel free to fork it out. Pretty happy with this project :slight_smile:

I’m OPEN to ANY criticism, I would like to know how I could have made this a better web app


That is a really good looking app. One thing though, the formula for Fahrenheit should be

fTemp = 9 / 5 * cTemp + 32;
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Project Link - https://codepen.io/deweis/full/prYJmR/

Any feedback regarding code-&design improvements highly appreciated!

Here’s mine. https://codepen.io/Code_Noob_/pen/oeOMgy/

Very nice design
–>Note that I open your pen in editor view but cannot open it in full view. Maybe you wanted the opposite?