Let's discuss your "Personal Portfolio Webpage"

your portfolio is an amazing, I loved the changing text… keep up :clap::star_struck:

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Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it

Thank you for the response! I am delighted that you liked the part with “My code is Responsive/Reactive/Ready to use” as I really tried to make something creative.

Also thanks for the target blank reminder. I’ve already fixed it. Now works well :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback! I’m pleased to hear that.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/mmicalt/full/EXOvPz/

Guys, couple questions:

  • I forgot to use Bootstrap grids. Do you think I should fix it, or it’s fine just how it is now?
  • can’t fix right hand side of the navbar, it extends too much to the right, any help?
  • I probably need better (more professional) photo, what do you think?
  • can anyone correct my text in english in section about me ? It’s my second language, so probably there are many mistakes

Of course any other feedback is welcome! :slight_smile:

Hey man, carefull your bootstrap logo is not working :o

Hi Guys!

Here is my portfolio page : -

So today I have completed my portfolio page! (It was damn exciting!!!)
It took me a total of 6-7 hrs (distributed in two days) to make the project from the ground up.
(Some of the code in there eg, bouncing button was taken from the net directly and I did not understand much of it.)

It was a exciting project and I learned a lot from it especially “why stackoverflow is sooooo awesome” :smiley:

Here I mention some great resources that I found on my way to make the project:-

http://thepatternlibrary.com/2 This is an amazing website if you are searching for patterns to be used as back ground.

http://cloudinary.com/1 Best website to hold your images etc on the web, with lot of other options as well.

And ofcourse font-awesome icons worked a lot too.

I know that the website is far from being perfect (It does’t have a single line of Javascript or Jquery ) but I will update it as soon as I learn new stuff.

Guys it would be awesome if you can give your valuable comments on the website!



ok thanks. ill check it out

Your page is pretty awesome, its clean. Well done. Ill have to check out the pattern library.

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i am making my project currently does anyone know the best way to move the buttons to the right away from the logo at the very top? Thank You

Hi All, This is my portfolio page, But sadly its not responsive. If anyone can suggest some changes to make it responsive, that will be really cool.
[project Link](https://santosh1357.github.io/)

Project Link - https://codepen.io/jeezitsme/full/JRaPmQ/

It’s a rather flat one. Any comments/suggestions welcome!


Hi all,

Here’s the link for my Personal Portfolio page. Pretty basic, but was a great learning experience. I’m not a real clown, struggled to source a photo.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/dakeos/full/BdBRwX/

C&C very welcome.



Hello all,

My portfolio is finally ready, I want to thank “The free code camp” community for all the help with my portfolio :slightly_smiling_face:, also other posts on this web have helped me too. I must recognize that in some ocassions I have been very stucked and I have written and rewritten the code many times :worried:, but finally here is :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi all,

Finally completed it after 8 hours it’s pretty simple right now. I’m planning to add more in the future once I improve. Any feedback would be great!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/dylanmooney97/full/ayOJoa/



Finally! After six months procrastination…​
There​ are some niggles with the mobile sized site and the font size, also I am aware that there is a white space on bigger screens next to the bio which I’m planning on filling. Much to do but…​It’s​essentially complete . feedback would be great. Thanks guys.

Project Link [https://codepen.io/KilburnSpider/pen/zzVvEO?editors=110018] (https://codepen.io/KilburnSpider/pen/zzVvEO?editors=110018)

Hello everybody, I like greeting you here and I like to be here between camper.I wanna you present my personal portfolio project. Here is it: https://codepen.io/VictorHub/full/VzLBaX I will be grateful for your feedback and comments. Thanks and good luck to you all!

project link -https://codepen.io/t-warrior/pen/zdOmgW
appreciate any feedback :slight_smile:

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Hey folks, please check out my portfolio page :slight_smile:

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Oof, lots of posts here, but, here we go regardless!

I’ve put some extra time the past two evenings trying to improve the visual aspects of my portfolio and to make a bit more ‘eye catching’. I’ve stubbornly refused to use any CSS frameworks, so the code may be a bit messy!

I’m looking for feedback in regard to how I can improve clarity, the overall design, and the code itself. I made this a couple months ago, so there is surely room for improvement in the code and structure department.

Anyway, would love to hear any feedback y’all might have! Here I am: http://philipharrell.com/. Hoping to revisit the projects themselves in the coming weeks now that this is, I think, looking a little bit nicer.
