Let's discuss your "Pomodoro Clock"

Any feedback appreciated.

I just finished may pomodoro I put little more effort to make it nice looking and it is tested by me and it should work ok, but never know untill other test it :slight_smile: Project Link - https://codepen.io/anita_tpj/full/QMgEbX/

Here is my project!

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Notr work very well. When change time of session during the session,iot shows it everynew time, and continue to countdown. It is little anoying, try not to write every new time, just memorise the first sessionā€¦ Also, if I change break time or sesssion time during the session and click start some bug is happening and clock start to show different time or act very strangeā€¦Maybe to disable settings during session will solve your problemā€¦

thank you so much @anita1510 for the commentā€¦i started working on creating another pomodoro. Found few bugs myselfā€¦hopefully third time is the charm.

Iā€™m finishing up my pomodoro clock project. Would appreciate feedback.

Iā€™m aware that sound doesnā€™t work on mobile devices. Havenā€™t spent enough time reading work around solution.


Hey guys, I finished my Pomodoro Clock. The main timer is incrementable/decrementable in periods of 1 minute to a max of 50 and the break timer in periods of 5 minutes to a max of 10. When you hit start, the start button should be disabled until stop, reset or the increment/decrement buttons are hit.

I found a bug that I canā€™t seem to solve, when the break timer ticks down to 0 it runs the resetTimer() function which runs the getBreakMinutesSeconds(time) function which passes in the initial break timer amount (by default 300 seconds (5:00) but the display always shows an extra 0 at the end (5:000) if itā€™s an even minute number (ex: 1:00, 2:00, 5:00, 10:00). This doesnā€™t happen when the number doesnā€™t end in 00.

Comments appreciated, including how to possibly refactor. I know itā€™s ugly code right now as I basically reused all the same code in duplicate functions for the main timer and the break timer. Thanks!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/mikesuchor/pen/OjXPLB

Hereā€™s my go at it! - http://clockdepomodoro.surge.sh/

The problem is with the async(rinocity?) of setInterval in the startBreakTimer function. After you run getBreakMinutes and add the second zero to breakseconds, startBreakTimer is still anxiously waiting in line, hoping those 60 milliseconds will be up soon so it can go pin breakseconds with another 0. Since you convert breakseconds to a string in getBreakMinutes, a workaround is to check if breakseconds is a number before you add another zero to it. I used typeof in the if/then statement to do this. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a more elegant solution out there, but it seemed to get the job done.

Great idea speeding up clock for the debugging. Simple thing that would have saved me a ton of time!

Project Link- https://codepen.io/mayankaga94/full/EvROBL
Audio dosenā€™t work,I will probably fix it later.

Here is my minimalistic timer :slight_smile:

Quite happy with the way this one came out :slight_smile:

Project Link: https://codepen.io/Lsmagic/pen/OxLxWR

You all awesome, interesting ideas and approach, I do not see all of your projects (wink)
Check my project, just jQuery, HTM5 and CSS3 nothing more, code still spaghetti, but cool functionality, it was hard xD

Hello! If anyone has time for feedback on the code and usability for my Pomodoro clock, that would be appreciated!

Live App

I used React, which I thought worked well for this project.

I like your app, you already moved on React, it very cool, I think will be nice make colors little bit softer, and I found bug.
Best regards and cool projects!

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I made a fairly simple pomodoro timer. I would appreciate any feedback or ideas from you guys!

Thank you!

here is my pomodoro clock, looking for reviews from you guys/girls


Hi. Here is my attempt using React.js --> https://codepen.io/adam-gora/full/WZaoOP/

Thanks for any feedback!

My Pomodoro Clock using React https://codepen.io/danegit/pen/aVoYKG

Here is my Eclipse Pomodoro Timer https://codepen.io/zapbampow/full/oobbJy/

During the session timer countdown, the sun gradually becomes eclipsed. When the session timer ends, the sun is fully eclipsed and it glows for a time until it moves off to leave the sun fully exposed when the break timer ends. Iā€™m very happy with it. I learned a lot about CSS animation as part of this challenge in addition to learning from the process of figuring out the logic.