Let's discuss your "Random Quote Machine"

Project Link - my random quote machine
I don’t understand why have to use API when it is too slow to return
thanks for feedbacks :smiley:

Project link: Random Quore Machine
Source code: Github

I did it using forismatic API. Feedback will be greatly appreciated.

@pinglinh App is cool and great,make it mobile first device.it’s not mobile responsive!

@CodeyMcC Found a bug.

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 1.12.56 AM

#No text after ;

Project link: https://codepen.io/thecognitivekey/pen/MmPBBb

any feedback is welcome - thanks

my quote machine link is here : https://codepen.io/snsan/full/eWLxyY
check it and feedback will be greatly appreciated.

It looks pretty good to me. A couple of things stick out…is it possible to round the corners of the ‘quote box’? A sharp corner with the black and white needs to be more rounded I think.
Is it random? Or a list. It always starts with Justin B, then Coldplay, then Rhianna.
Finally, where are The Beatles? or Muddy Waters? or The Who? 21st Century Quotes :grinning:
All minor points…jolly good I think

Thank you for your feedback and I really appreciate it. It was a list. My fault. Now, It works randomly.
And I rounded the corners of the ‘quote box’ as you told. :slight_smile:
And Thanks again…

Well done - I think it looks even better now :slight_smile:
I used to test software as my living so I am afraid I tend to spot even the smallest mistake, and my training means I have to mention it if I see it, whether the developer takes any notice is up to them if it’s trivial, my job is to alert them. Thanks for taking my feedback positively ciao

Hello and Thanks again for checking my pen again. I appreciate the time you took to check my pen. If you have free time, please check my other pens.
I would appreciate any kind of suggestions. Have a nice day! .:slight_smile:

here is link: http://codepen.io/snsan/pens/public/

Hi! This is my random quote machine. Any feedback is greatly appreciated

Project Link - https://codepen.io/arry14/full/bqJLvQ/

Hello all, please see my Random Quote Machine. My apologies for the garish looking background, when I first added it, I thought it looked rather stylish :sweat_smile: I’ll change it for my second iteration of this app.

(Mostly) Stoic Quotes:


I’m also looking for feedback on my quote machine -->

Any feedback on design and any improvements would be appreciated :slight_smile:

I went with a simple layout, using an API from Mashape. Any feedback is welcome, or any suggestions to improve it! thanks a lot!


Project Link ==> https://codepen.io/BrusBilis/pen/qjWqmZ

Flexbox + plain Javascript

Any feedback is welcome

Hello !
Need some feedback about my Quote Machine Challenge.
Thank you !


Here is my random quote machine, let me know what you think!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/vicbergquist/full/xqNqxz/

Project Link - https://codepen.io/joshuadelosreyes/full/KqwpEr/

Question: How to make buttons responsive? I’m stuck in making one stack on top of the other when resizing the screen. I want the buttons to be perfectly aligned when screen gets smaller.

EDIT: Improved the design and buttons. Thanks for all the feedback!

Maybe remove the text (maybe replace it with icons) and change the width of the button when the screen gets small enough?

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