Let's discuss your "Random Quote Machine"

Project Link - https://codepen.io/arslanatajanov/pen/gGmKvO


Please check it out guys!
Batman quotes!

Happy Coding! :slight_smile:

Hey everyone, just finished the Random Quote Generator. I appreciate any feedback https://codepen.io/SullyT/pen/RLWgjN?editors=1100

Hi everyone,

Any feedback on my project would be great, thanks!

Project link: https://codepen.io/salvescoding/full/jLwGbx/


Thanks so much for this! It works perfectly :smiley:

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Project Link - [https://codepen.io/AkshaySingh/full/aLvNEL/]
Suggestions are appreciated…!!!

Hi, guys! I finally finished my random quote machine. Any feedback would be appreciated :smiley:

Just a heads up that the initial pop up screen may seem useless, as it doesn’t contribute to the page in any way, but once I learn how to build a back-end to store data, I will be displaying the aggregate emotions as a counter on the web page.

Thank you :smiley:

Thank you very much for your feedback. I intended to respond sooner, but my attention to FCC has been diverted by way too much going on at work and in my off time in the last week or two. I really appreciate the suggestions and will check them out - thanks again! :slight_smile:

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Project Link - https://codepen.io/better-0n/pen/OxVKbz

Any feedback is welcomed :slight_smile:

Project Link - https://codepen.io/bowaterkerryn/pen/MErxvW

I used an array for my quotations, but wonder whether I should do it again to practice using apis?
Also, I don’t like the way the “new quote” button moves when the quote is more than 2 lines long. I just cannot figure this one out - any help would be much appreciated :smile:

Project link- https://codepen.io/shahviranchi/pen/gGvdoN

Any comments would be appreciated! Thanks

I’m so happy I stumbled upon your post. I’m doing the exact thing, and really want to use the API from the same source. However I cant really wrap my head around this. I couldn’t get the $.getJson to work, I peeked into your code and I notice you put a URL(https://zippy-thorn.glitch.me/) before the api resource url. Do you mind explaining this?

Thank you

looks nice.
it’s better to center ur “quote box”. when quote is short-it moves to left side.

Hi guys,
this is my random not quote but oblique strategies machine link:

This is far from perfect of course, would love to hear some suggestions on how to improve the page, especially around these following issues:

  1. How do I minimize the lag whenever users press the “next” button? is there any particular order in writing the jquery code that I need to follow?
  2. I used JQuery on.click function to change the background color every time a user click the next button, how to apply radial-gradiant to these background ? my main background has gradient in it but not the colors called from JQuery code.
  3. At first, I couldn’t get the $.getJson to work, I peeked into anthom’s[https://codepen.io/anthom/full/jmZOGd] code and I notice he put a URL(https://zippy-thorn.glitch.me/) before the api resource url. what is this?

I’ve got more questions but I think ill ask more later, thank you for your reply.

Hi Vista -

The URL you’re talking about is a CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) proxy. You’ll typically need to use one on API projects when an API doesn’t support CORS. If I’m understanding it correctly, the proxy adds headers to your API request so it will work properly with ajax and JSON methods.

CORS Anywhere (https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/) is one of the more popular proxies. When I built my quote machine, I tried that one, but it wasn’t working well for me (don’t remember why…) so I found a version created in Glitch and made my own copy of it (the “zippy-thorn” URL). Hope that helps!

BTW, nice job on your random Oblique Strategies app. I like the way you toggle the description to keep the page design from looking too wordy, and the random colors are a nice touch. I think the CORS proxy may be what causes the lag after a button press - specifically the fact that it’s a Glitch app, so it’s not always running. I’ve noticed that in my own app too, especially when opening it the first time. I don’t know if using a different proxy like CORS Anywhere might help?

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Finally got my quote machine done, here it is:

Had to go through Udacity’s ajax course to understand more of what I was doing, so also coded this:

Not sure that code is the most effficient or prettiest on either but very pleasing to eventually get them to work. Any feedback most welcome.
Hope others are enjoying this project!

Hi Vivek,

Love the quote machine, just thought I’d let you know the twitterLogo and refreshLogo are showing as their alt text instead of the actual logo, seems the image sources you are using may contain errors?
Other than that good effort and I like your plans to expand on it in the future :slight_smile:

@gecko36 Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I just checked the image links and they seem to be working fine on my browser (Chrome). Would you mind giving me additional details, so I can figure out the problem? Browser and so on. The initial emojis are being hosted on the same platform (Cloudinary), so I’m not sure as to why you can see those, but not the two quote box images.



How odd, I’ve just looked again on Firefox, then Chrome, then Edge (all with latest updates) and none of them work for me, wonder if someone else might have a look too?
No idea what the problem could be… sorry I’m not of more help!

Hi, my random quote machine is done although it still requires a few tweaks.

For one, it doesn’t have the same layout when minimised - I need to fix that and ensure it has a responsive design on different viewing platform. Lastly the animation is not a perfect fit yet; I feel like changing jQuery fadeTo to something else, so that when the background’s color changes the box remains there while only the background changes.

Anyway, I plan to come back and improve it after I gain more experience in CSS and jQuery in the next few projects. I appreciate if you guys can give me any feedback to improve on the website.