Let's discuss your "Random Quote Machine"

Makes sense, thanks!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/alecaceaes/full/oojveK/

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Here is a neat solution for that instead of using setTimeout

// plain js
var $quote = document.querySelector('#quote');
$quote.addEventListener('animationend', function (e) {
  // fires every-time the animation ends
  // doesn't matter how long it takes 

// jquery
var $quote = $('#quote');
$quote.on('animationend', function (e) {

Using this approach the code is much more readable as opposed to setTimeout and its easier to reason about.

Useful link for future reference on events

Project link: https://codepen.io/theking977/full/veorjr/

right on! thanks for link and other solution!

Just finished this project and would really appreciate some feedback.
Project link: https://codepen.io/deborahharlaar/full/BmzbGW/

Here’s my finished generator! I haven’t figured out how to get to be able to tweet the quote however (even though I have the button there, it’s not working). But any feedback would be appreciated! Thank you.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/KaelanBlayde/full/zEqErY/

Check out mine :slight_smile: I’m proud of it ! :blush:
Project Link - https://codepen.io/dknvmlhok/full/JOXYvj

Here’s mine. Just click the quote box to generate new quote. Any feedback is welcome :blush: https://codepen.io/ahsanunnisa/full/yPbxdz/

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a very simple one [https://codepen.io/LyubomirNY/full/gGVWgd/]

I need some help with my quote machine.
1/ Idk why every time I click the button, it just keeps adding one quote after another. It doesn’t generate only one quote at a time.
2/ I already put the text color for the quote white in my css, but when I click the button, the text-color doesn’t change at all.
Here’s my quote machine.

Would appreciate your input on my random quote machine.

Awesome job getting the tweet button functional! One small problem I noticed is that if you click the tweet button and then return to the Random Quote Generator the tweet button is gone. When you press New Quote the tweet button stays gone.

Thank you so much for the input. I am unable to recreate the issue since a new tab opens on clicking the tweet button and the original tab stays the same. Can you explain?

Yes, the functionality for opening a new tab that allows you to tweet the quote works great, but after that if you switch back to the code pen tab with the Random Quote Generator, the tweet button is gone. The new quote button will still work but the tweet button remains missing.

Hey there, here is my random quote generator… ready for feedback!!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/lrvlr/full/MOVGYE/

Hey all, would like some feedback on my Quote Generator project. Tried learning Flexbox and CSS Grid while I was at it.

Link: https://codepen.io/AerialWombat/full/eeVPwz/

Good one!! Just a little issue with the button boxes on my screen, on full size window the text “New quote” height and the Twitter icon height are bigger than the button boxes heights… may be you should have a minimum height… ?

I need Feedback for my Quote Thingie: