Let's discuss your "Random Quote Machine"

The Great Movie Quotes is here.
Any feedback would be highly appreciated.

Have a nice weekend and Cheers (this is for our Friday night drinks)

need help on the responsiveness. keeping the fortune message in the fortune paper slip is killing me.



Good use of jQuery and AJAX. However, all of your quotes are coming back as: ā€œ~undefinedā€. It appears as though you are successfully obtaining quotes from the ajax call, but the quote is not being passed to the ā€˜successā€™ function. I donā€™t understand ajax all that well - not sure what the problem is.

@Colindale Really nice style. There is a problem though with keeping everything blue and white - it is hard to read the white text over the white neon sign letters. The twitter link didnt show up for me. Iā€™m using Chrome & Windows 10 pro.

@kartoffelx86 Good job. I like how the vertical bar changes sizes with the size of the quote. Your quotes are stylized a bit differently from how Iā€™ve seen them on the web. You put a period after the name and the double-quote image is above the quote, rather than being on the top-left, where I am accustomed to seeing it. Not sure if these stylistic differences are intentional or not.

@lrvlr well done. just a few observations. The ā€˜Lauraā€™ doesnā€™t go to you and the page doesnā€™t respond well to resizing to mobile

Thanks! @JB-Walker
ā€™Lauraā€™ doesnā€™t go me because I havenā€™t finished my portfolio (since I have nothing to show yet) and I was planning on adding the link later.
As for the resizing to mobile, I found some issues with the resizing of the text, when I do it mobile responsive the text gets out of the image, so after a lot of attempts I decided to fix the size. I found some solutions to make the text fit the width but couldnā€™t get it to fit the height of the resized image (which is what I wanted to fit), if you have any hints on how to do that Iā€™ll be greatful :blush:

Iā€™ve fixed the bug. Itā€™s kinda weird because it used to work before. Maybe the API I use has changed a bit.
Thanks for the Feedback. :slight_smile:

Here is my project link
some feedback would be nice :slight_smile: thanks in advance.

My quote generator wizard :slight_smile:
Project Link - https://codepen.io/Sunn10/full/QOoaKv/

Hi campers, this is my random quote machine. Please give me some feedback! Thanks!! :sunglasses:
Project Link - https://codepen.io/JoSaGuDu/pen/wPbdWd

Hereā€™s my random quote generator. Any thoughts on it?

Hereā€™s me Project Link - https://codepen.io/faLek/full/MONLvE/
What do you think, guys?

any thoughts

Hey man,

I really like it! It looks great on phone too! Congrats!

One thing Iā€™ve noticed is that the fade in animation only works the first 4 or 5 clicks.

Hereā€™s mine! After a bit of frustration over a completely obvious & stupid mistake, I hope it turned out well. Opinions?

Project Link - https://codepen.io/Sarah_Dawn/full/LepGLw/

Hey everyone,

After viewing many of your projects that all had their own flair I was motivated to do something different as well. It took me way longer than anticipated, but I turned my RQM into a guessing game. Itā€™s not perfect, but I think itā€™s good enough to share.

Iā€™d love to hear feedback, positives, negatives, broken things, let me know!

HI @NickWantsToCode, thanks for the feedback. The glitch you mentioned is interesting, I think that is something related to double-clicking before the animation ends. I fixed it and I thinks now is all right. Thanks for the heads up!!! :+1:t3:

Looking for feedback for my random quote machine : Shoot away your critics ! o/