Let's discuss your Request Header Parser Microservice

Heroku: http://request-header-parser-mcsvc.herokuapp.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/Luiko/request-header-parser-microservice

Hello guys here is my project, hope this will help somebody
Heroku: https://stormy-crag-22350.herokuapp.com/
Github: https://github.com/Zooll8/headerparserMicroservice

Because I canā€™t delete forum posts.

Hereā€™s my project:

gomix project
github repo

Hello! Here is my project, any feedbacks are welcome. Thank you.



Hereā€™s my header parser microservice:

Live: http://header-parser-zelite.herokuapp.com/
Source: https://github.com/zelite/header-parser

What do you think? :slight_smile:

Howdy everybody,

Hereā€™s mine:

Live: https://header-sniffer.glitch.me/
Source: https://github.com/AllanPooley/fcc-whoAmI

Happy coding!

Project: https://req-headr-parser.herokuapp.com/
Source: https://github.com/waqarHocain/req-header-parser

Code on Github is for working locally on localhost:8080,
Of course Glitch app is not.

Project on Glitch: https://sm-request-header-parser-microservice.glitch.me/
Code on Github: https://github.com/nazarja/request-header-parser-microservice

Link: https://header-parsing.glitch.me/
Repo: https://github.com/Dereje1/Header-Parser

Wasnā€™t too bad, but if previous experience is to be trusted, it is just the calm before the storm of the back-end projects hitting.

Project : https://jolav.me/freecodecamp/old/apis/parser/parser.html
Source Code : https://github.com/jolav/freeCodeCamp/tree/master/old/apis

Header Parser challenge done.

Project: http://headerparsedm.herokuapp.com/
Source Code: https://github.com/daniel-mlr/headerparserdm

I havenā€™t done a front page: it doesnā€™t seem to be required in the user story.

I am still not quite confident as to why I get user address sometimes in ipv6 format, sometimes in ipv4. And why are there 4 different ways to be tried successively to obtain it (i.e.:

Project Link - https://letsziggy-freecodecamp-request-header-parser-microservice.glitch.me/
Source Code - https://github.com/LetsZiggy/FreeCodeCamp-Request-Header-Parser-Microservice

Note: Iā€™m using plain Node.js APIs instead of Express.

1 Like

Code: https://github.com/adamgibs/RequestHeaderParser/tree/master/RequestHeaderParser
Project: http://requestheaderparser20180202064053.azurewebsites.net/api/values

The project was built using C# and asp.net core 2. I was deployed using Azure.

Project Link ā€“ https://autumnchris-header-parser-api.herokuapp.com
Source Code ā€“ https://github.com/autumnchris/header-parser-api

Feedback is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Code: https://github.com/user883311/request-header-parser-microservice
Project: https://request-header-parser-microservice-user883311.glitch.me/

I used plain Node.js and its HTTP / OS modules, as well as 2 external npm modules.
I might have put too much software info in my API response thoughā€¦ :-s

Note that Iā€™m closing this thread. Itā€™s much easier to get feedback if you create your own individual post requesting feedback for your own specific project.