Let's discuss your "Tic Tac Toe Game"

i can beat your ai on impossible =DD

Please check out my Tic Tac Toe Project give me your feedback

Project link - https://codepen.io/CodeyMcC/pen/vmwEaW

Problems again with CSS - the bane of my existence! I believe it meets user story criteria, but will need to update to make it an ultimate tic-tac-toe game!

I won! :slight_smile:

I like CSS, it helps make it look pretty.

You just may want to make the font inside the cell a little bigger, so itā€™s easier to see.

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Very nice. We tied on the Easy level, and the Computer won on the hard level.

I like it. You do have a syntax error in javascript line 8, as semicolon instead of a comma. This may be why your vars for squares 8 and 9 out of color scope in your list and in your arrayOfSquareVar.

Hereā€™s my Tic Tac Toe submission ā€“ any feedback welcome, thanks!


seems to work pretty nicely!

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Project Link -(https://codepen.io/the-oc/full/NjQNwJ/)

Project link - https://codepen.io/rjoffe/full/BRXRbb/

I attempted to make it somewhat responsive, but I had some difficulty with the font-sizing amongst other css issues.

I didnā€™t implement minimax. I went with the Newell & Simon perfect solution. My focus with these projects is more the design side of things, which I struggle with. I also tried to keep the interface as simple as possible.

Prepare for Epic Fight!!! :smiling_imp: https://codepen.io/Keith_Martens/full/JJdPag

UPD 06/07/2017:
v.2 now depends of screen size

UPD 17/07/2017
v.3 fixed layout for 3 browsers, fixed AI - unbeatable now!!
for IE - runs very slow and still has some render problemsā€¦:frowning_face:

Can you beat this one?

hello everyoneā€¦
here is my tic tac toe pen link: https://codepen.io/snsan/full/mwPvXa
Please kindly check it and tell me what you think about it. Thanks

Project Link - https://codepen.io/arry14/full/PjNpKQ/

Hello, please play against my (super dumb) A.I. on my Tic Tac Toe App :sweat_smile:
I havenā€™t implemented any algorithm for the computer, it just fills a random empty box. So, at the moment, this Tic Tac Toe app is really easy to beat!

But itā€™s functional, and I think Iā€™ve squashed most of the major bugs. Please let me know if you find any further bugs, and please leave me some feedback too :slight_smile: :pray:

Project Link - https://codepen.io/blinvarfi/full/rwGxXL/

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Hereā€™s mine - https://codepen.io/AzFalconer/full/LLrVXE/

I went ahead a coded my own AI (just a simple if/then tree), I know there are a million examples of AI code on the web, but wanted to do my own thing. Used a modal for the first time. Would appreciate suggestions on how to close the modal if the user clicks somewhere else on the page. I couldnā€™t get the code to workā€¦

Really slick layout again, my stuff looks so amateur compared to yours. I really need to work on the aesthetics of my projects. Also nice idea keeping a score board.

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I like how you changed the color of the tiles depending on weather an X or O was played.

First time I played as O the computer was also Oā€¦ just an FYI

Thanks a lot. I actually have worked as a freelancer as a logo / web designer in the past. I can advice you use dribbble.com to find pretty designs and learn from their color usage and overall feel. I personally do that.