Let's discuss your "Tribute Page"

Really nice job. Congrats!

Wow! Amazing! Good work there bro!

Looks great Gabe. Good use of columns :+1:

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Thanks to @IOAyman who gave me sincere advice to go back and review the Bootstrap challenges after my first Tribute Page didn’t go so well with the responsiveness. Here is my new Tribute Page: http://codepen.io/jjbrooks/full/WoPqyJ/

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Project Link - http://codepen.io/jinnd319/full/LbXoOw/

Let me know what you think.

Hi all, I’d appreciate your feedback on my tribute page to Jim Estill. He’s a great guy who’s donated funds to sponsor 50 refugees in Canada :slight_smile: http://codepen.io/vanessaho/pen/BQEyVO/

Hi again @CoffeeBookRead,
Good job! Your improvement is clear :slight_smile:

You might want to check my reply to @Zaena; An advice to make your images scale better on multiple screen sizes :wink:


Hi! This is my project. My page is about Elon Musk: http://codepen.io/taisjaques/full/rWbYXP/

Project link - https://codepen.io/madyNa/full/XNQBbZ/

project link - http://codepen.io/SabarJH/full/pNVVgO/
i really need feedback for my project so i can improve my skill
i’m a beginner.

Project link- https://codepen.io/rrahul17498/full/VmqoQd/
Requesting some feedback.

There is a small problem in my timeline. The size of year varies a little. (not much, but the difference is more evident between year 2008 and 2011.) Tried various solutions but none of them are working. Any advice on how to fix it would be really helpful. Thanks.

Very minimalistic Alan Turing Tribute Page - https://codepen.io/voliev/full/VmNNVb/

A minimalistic tribute page for Kurt Cobain, one of the saddest, most tragic, yet true influences of my generation. Project Link: http://codepen.io/jamesattard/full/dOEpKO/

Project link - https://codepen.io/Humanimal/full/bByRdd/

I’m not the best at design. What would you change to make my page look better?

Hi everyone!
This is my tribute page http://codepen.io/AlexBioJS/full/MbdKBd/
It’s dedicated to Jacque Fresco, self-taught social engineer, industrial designer…
He is trying to redesign the culture to build an entirely new civilization.
Any suggestions are welcome!

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Hi everyone,

I started on this a few days before Christmas and one of my kids suggested Santa as the subject of the tribute page: http://codepen.io/hodakkm/full/YpbWwg/ Any feedback or suggestions are welcome.


Hi all,

This is my tribute page: http://codepen.io/dliuyk/pen/pRzezE
I will try to incorporate more Bootstrap into future pens, but for this one I used basic CSS and experimented a bit with different fonts.
Any advice on formatting would be greatly appreciated!


I re-did and simplified my project page, looking for honest feedback about it! Thanks!

Project link - [https://codepen.io/branko007/full/mOvPpd/] (https://codepen.io/branko007/full/mOvPpd/)

So here is my tribute page project from the galaxy far, far away :slight_smile: Thanks for any feedback.

Project link - https://codepen.io/adam-gora/pen/PbgoeW

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wow it’s awesome!
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU fellow freecodecamper! :smiley: