Let's discuss your "Tribute Page"

Project Link - https://codepen.io/yerim25/pen/vJJxew

Feedback please!

Hi, I like your work. It is beautiful

hey thank you for your feedback, how to put the information about johnny like that I have found on web, you may look for ā€œvertical timeline htmlā€ :3

Hi, Iā€™d love some feedback on my tribute page!

Project Link - https://codepen.io/gee7/full/zdwmXB/

Thank you!

Thank you! I was very unsure of the design so it means a lot =)

My Patrick Swayze tribute page, Iā€™d love any feedback, Thanks :slight_smile:
Project Link - https://codepen.io/SelenaRachel/full/XaazKb/

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@alesfer001, sorry it took long to reply back. Thanks for your response with the issue I had. I reviewed it over and over again until I finally saw where the issue was. I must have accidentally deleted the ul end tag. So much to learn for a newbie here. :slight_smile:

Project Link - https://codepen.io/francymata/pen/PKJYqN

Hey Everyone,

This is my first attempt at the Tribute page. Let me know if you have any recommendations on how I can improve it stylistically or functionally as well. Just looking to improve.


I like it! Great person too! It may just be my internet connection, but the first image took some time to load. BTW I am pretty new to this, so Iā€™m sorry my comment isnā€™t very insightful ;^^ ā€¦ maybe you can add links to the album covers for more info? Good stuff :slight_smile:


I should have posted this a while ago. Any feedback is welcome, especially on how I can get my video to be a little smaller on a larger screen. Should I go the @media route?


Project Link - https://codepen.io/schmarj3/pen/EXRKPe

Sorry for the late reply, the images load now and it looks even better, nicely done !

Project Link- https://codepen.io/MohitaGakhar/full/EXZGbR/

My first try on the Tribute page. Looking for feedback to improve. TIA.

Hey, just completed my tribute page and like everyone else here I was hoping to hear back some constructive criticisms about my work. https://codepen.io/joelle-chan/full/JyrYeN/

Anyway, hope everyone has good day!

here is my link for the tribute project - https://codepen.io/Wyr/pen/wqrEJL.
Nothing big, maybe some feedback on how to write the code more efficiently.


Project link - https://codepen.io/mhina/full/LjzgBP
Hello campers! Iā€™ll appreciate any feedback, thanks.

Project link ā€“ https://codepen.io/Besath/full/JyrmLq/
Feedback welcome.

I like your layout and the feel you were going for, maybe play around with the colors a little bit cause the black letters over the stacked books in the background hurts my eyes a tad when attempting to read it.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/XanderBee/pen/QgdKJM

This is a belated Fatherā€™s Day tribute page for my dad. I havenā€™t shown it to him yet as I may add a few additional mushy bullet points about how heā€™s a great dad.

Also, in trying to vertically center the pic descriptions I added negative margins to the divs such that they overlap with other divs when the bootstrap columns stack on a small screen. I still need to figure that one out. Feedback?

Is it ok that I feel like a toddler who has just drawn their first stick figure family?

Any feedback regarding styling (too boring?) or structure is encouraged. Thanks!

First post!

Project link - https://codepen.io/fahahahad/pen/NvwyVv

Pretty light page, just simple modifications with css! Feel free to comment/critique giving me a heads up if you think Iā€™m ready to continue the program!