Let's discuss your "Tribute Page"

Thanks for the input! As for the H1, I actually don’t know… I’ll have to investigate.

Hello … Would also love any feedback on my ‘tribute page’.


Project Link - https://codepen.io/belalik/pen/YEZZWg

Iwata Satoru

My tribute. I played with borders and the bullets. I put the wiki link in the button. My 2nd button doesn’t work :S will try to figure out why, but for now I will move on to the portfolio project

Please, don’t put links for navigation in button’s formaction tag, as it is for submitting data only.
It better to put a tag inside the button and put link in href attribute.

It seems OK, but I’d advice to add target attribute to your links in order to open them in new page.
And please, don’t use document.write as it could break your page. You can use document.appendChild instead.
Plus you don’t have to create tag for JS inside HTML as you can type it in separate window on Codepen

Simple & nice. Good job!

Thanks for your feedback.

You 're right - the JS code was something I found on the net after searching on how to ‘hide’ email addresses to avoid spam. I just put it there for the sake of it - I guess it can be achieved in better ways - perhaps a simple text ‘someone at somewhere’ would be fine.

Anyway, I 'll check into it more carefully and make necessary changes. Thanks again for your time and input.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/rdhi/full/EbdEmM/
Any feedback is welcome. Page should be responsive, including text, but I only tested in Firefox on my desktop and Chrome on my phone.

my Tribute Page https://codepen.io/cirediallo/full/EXoWGY/
any feedback is welcome: responsive, colors,… only tested on firefox


Here is my tribute page. I put it on Heroku

its about my favorite planet, Jupiter :smiley:


This is my tribute page. Took a few hours, couldn’t figure out why my silver background for container class wouldn’t extend to the bottom, so had to insert a few breaks towards the bottom.

Nice site! It’s responsive and looks good on different screen sizes! One thing I learned whilst doing my tribute page is that justified text isn’t generally used on the web, as at small screen sizes you can end up with large white spaces that can be confusing for dyslexic users. I’d previously always used fully justified text but now only use left aligned text for this reason.

Great tribute page! And a very worthy subject. I especially like the functionality of the publication section. Nice.

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Thank you - you are very kind!

Good afternoon,

So I’m new to coding and just started the projects leg of the freecodecamp experience. I’m currently on the tributes project and have managed to get a functional page, however to me my code looks chaotic and I’m having particular issues with the UL and LI in that the formatting of it looks weird.

Any help in this would be appreciated.


I did it!
I didn’t use any bootstrap, cause I don’t understand it. I know it looks kitchy as hell (myspace anyone?) but I was more concerned about finishing the project so that I can move on on the course. Any feedback regarding the code, both HTML and CSS, is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Project Link - [https://codepen.io/nicanope/full/YYXPON/] (http://codepen.io/nicanope/full/YYXPON/)

ooOOooOOo fancy use of the background image!

Project Link- https://codepen.io/suparnapaul393/full/qpdmXm/

Project Link - https://codepen.io/hypnagogia/full/ppjgdL

I couldn’t figure out how to get the link to just the page I created, and not the code.
But I finally figured it out. Here it is.


Project Link - https://codepen.io/khmlrulz/full/xpwLwQ
Any feedback would be swell! Hope you guys like it!