Let's discuss your "Tribute Page"

Hello fellow campers,

please take a look at my tribute page on Jacob Bernoulli. Any feedback you provide is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

project link - https://codepen.io/dlwagner/full/ppPWqJ/9

I did not take advantage of responsive design using bootstrap in this project. I do plan to go back and integrate that. Right now I’m moving forward on the Portfolio project.

Happy New Year to All.

Don Wagner

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Hi Greg, looks good. Here’s some suggestions. Your link at the bottom of the page doesn’t work. If you want to fix that then use target="_blank" in your link like this:

I would also try to move your styling into the CSS section. For your ordered lists, you can move the styling into the CSS section and use padding and margin attributes to position the list in a more visually appealing way.

Good job!

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Greg, this got left out of my reply somehow:

add target="_blank" to your href

awesome feedback, thanks very much! only way I will improve…

Thank you so much for checking it out, and for the kind words @dlwagner

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Very clear, and easy to read :slight_smile: Just one suggestion - I couldn’t see any nav links to navigate to each section - maybe you can add one in?

Looking forward to seeing the responsive version

@itsellej, thank you for the review! That is a great suggestion. It’s on my todo list now. :+1:

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Here is my first try of my own code , no copy past job ,


Please take a look at my most recent refactor of my Tribute Page. I decided to go back and add a modal to inform the user the point of the project, like a mini-README within the page. I also refactored the CSS to be mobile-first and responsive.


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Hey Don,

I like your choice of typography. One bit of feedback that a Front End Dev at work told me was to avoid using IDs and try and use classes instead. So rather than <figure id="fig1"> and #fig1 in your CSS then you could have <figure class="fig1"> and .fig1 in your CSS.

I think this is more relevant for working in teams on big projects but a good habit to get in to early.

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Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!

P.S. Fonts confuse me. I probably spent more time picking fonts than any other design aspect in this project. How do you pick the right fonts? Do any of you know how?

@pagey, Great! I changed all ids to classes and I checked on stackexchange and you are correct about the best practice. I will take a look at your tribute page in a day or two and get back to you, just busy at the moment. Thanks for taking the time to give me some feedback. That was awesome!


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Project Link - https://codepen.io/Alessandrocuba/pen/BJYwbz

Hey everyone!

First time posting here, and I would love to get feedback on my tribute page:


Please let me know if you think I can improve on my project in any way, I would love constructive criticism to get better!

Here is my tribute page. https://codepen.io/phntm2233/full/baMxWL/.

Any feedback would be helpful, thank you!

Tribute to G. K. Chesterton

Finally, after almost 1 year off.
I’m getting “back to code”, from the very beginning - I left off at the start.

I’d love feedback from all:

Project Link - https://codepen.io/veritaspax/full/pbPmmw/

Hi Elle

Thank you for the valuable feedback. Will certainly address your suggestion.

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I will be very happy if somebody reviews my tribute page

Thanks a lot

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If anyone is willing to give me feedback on my Tribute Page I would appreciate it. I did this a year ago in Notepad++ and just transferred it to CodePen. I’m back after a long hiatus and ready to get committed.

Project Link – https://codepen.io/SarahMathias/pen/QaBJeG?q=sarah+mathias&limit=all&type=type-pens

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to wrap it up in a word. I liked the montage at the header.
Detailing his works rather than the regular bullet list made for an interesting read.

The “Lorel ipsum” at the last section showed off your readiness to let it out to the world to see,
that’s good momentum.
I’d love to get your summary of “Scream” though, and I think I’m not alone.

Kudos Sarah!