Let's discuss your "Tribute Page"

Here is my tribute page.

Any feedback is welcomed.

Lovely. Nice placement of images, good balance.

Nice work done. Yellow text on white background difficult to read, though.

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I love your page. Clean layout. Beautiful. Nice work!

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Thanks. I added text shadow here to make it easier to read.

Huge improvement in readability. Well done.

I started with the FreeCodeCamp few days ago and finished my first project, it would be great for me to have some feedback on it. I just designed to desktop view (I’ll make a responsive one on the next project for sure)

Ayrton Senna Tribute Page

Thanks for your attention

I created this tribute page a while back. Any feedback would be highly appreciated.

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Project link https://codepen.io/milosrancic/full/JMmjWN/
Thank you :slight_smile:

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My tribute. Please be gentle… https://codepen.io/Frootloops/pen/KZxOaa


Hi, photo is not responsive.
Instead of .img-responsive use .img-fluid :slight_smile:

Thanks. I thought I had changed that before posting. Apparently I just forgot to save the changes before posting.

Project Link - [https://codepen.io/JobCreator/pen/wpQqEa]

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My Tribute to Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard: https://codepen.io/cmdrshepard84/pen/OzBNOx/

Here is my tribute page for Bojack Horseman: [https://codepen.io/ChrisEzri/pen/BJvyGa]

Any pointers and tips regarding cleaning up my code would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

I’m just getting started, but the page looks pretty good for the most part. I’d make a few suggestions:

  • Avoid using line breaks <br> and the like for page formatting.

  • The link to the wiki page is hard to see, stylizing it via CSS to a different color would make it good.

I think otherwise, you’re doing a great job, the text is fluid and the image is responsive. :sunglasses:

Project Link - https://codepen.io/jessicacaley/pen/ZvVmqd?editors=1000

Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated!

Hello, I’d appreciate feedback on my Tribute Page: https://codepen.io/gruncheon/pen/QaVmjR

Project Link - https://codepen.io/zeinab1988/pen/RxEXbj
