Let's discuss your "Wikipedia Viewer"

See screenshot. I’m trying to find articles that contains both git and github words.

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Hello guys!

Here it is my code http://codepen.io/giulippi/full/dNdvxP/, it would be wonderful to have some of your feedback!

Hello everyone!

After a week of struggling and learning new things I finally came up with this project.
It contains autocomplete, multi language support and it’s fully responsive!
I thought it would be cool to add some animations and I think it worked quite well.
It would be great to have some feedback.

Have a nice day!

project link - http://codepen.io/noeladd/full/VPQxQO/

Could really use some design help. I’m good with functionality but I’m terrible with getting sites to look nice :sweat:

Project Link - https://codepen.io/aeroreyna/full/rjozNJ/

First time using Pug, it’s really helpful, and Vue make everything easier.

Finished mine last week. It works but I’d like to maybe add some animation to my search results. https://codepen.io/osogrizz/full/VPrKoP/

This looks great. I did consider the cards format but shied away from it, wish I didn’t now. The layout of your wiki results are really effective :slight_smile:

wow thanks. I do want to come back to this though. I feel like it could use more styling, pagination and maybe refine the search function. Mine doesn’t return results for ‘git github’ searches, which I saw mentioned above.

Project Link - https://codepen.io/cmsales/full/zNQQaL/

Used a material design library for this one, but nothing fancy (simplicity rocks).


This is my wikipedia viewer.
Project Link - http://codepen.io/aaayumi/full/ygmLZR/

I love to see other’s work here. Everyone is doing great job. A lot of inspiration here.

Here’s my viewer!!! I was having a bit of trouble early on but thanks to helpful people on the forum and seeing your examples I got through it!

Wikipedia Search

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You linked the wrong thing I think, that’s the random quote one

My Wikipedia Viewer

Still working on the style. Please, share your thoughts!

Hi, I’m tdkpro.

I enjoyed implementing my current knowledge to this project (Wikipedia Viewer). It was a rather smooth ride after my weather app – which was frustrating to finally secure – please feel free to check that out as well.

I’m having some trouble with the TwitchTV JSON API project, so I’m taking some time off to post my last few projects for criticism. Please feel free; I value all opinions. I’m glad I joined this community. Thanks.

Project link: http://codepen.io/tdkproduction/full/WpGMmx/


Any feedback is appreciated, thanks.

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my viewer, I know the design isn’t the best, any suggestions?

Project Link - http://codepen.io/missditch/full/jBwVaK/
I would really appreciate it if you give it a try and let me know what you think!

Project Link: [http://codepen.io/skyseven/full/yMpWqV/] (http://codepen.io/skyseven/full/yMpWqV/)

It is amazing to look at the vastly different ways we all take to solve the same assignments!
I think that’s why I like coding so much, it really is a creative process.
Anyway, here’s my Wikipedia solution:

Project link = [https://codepen.io/pgbowers/pen/yMjqYY] (https://codepen.io/pgbowers/pen/yMjqYY)

Nice work, I especially like the autocomplete feature on the search block, I’ll have to figure out how to do that!

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