Let's discuss your "Wikipedia Viewer"

Here is my FreekipidiA
Project Link - [https://codepen.io/irakligeek/pen/pPYbKG]

Project Link - https://codepen.io/bradleyhop/pen/qmpqEv

I stole the colors for the results from Wikipedia’s homepage :wink:
This was much more fun than the weather app, but that may be cause I know a little more now, haha.
Pretty basic, but any feedback is welcomed. Thanks!

Edit: I was using the traditional success and error callbacks of ajax. After looking around, I noticed .done() and .error() calls. Some researching and learning later, I know have a pretty basic concept of jquery’s deferred objects and their methods. The js is much cleaner now, I think.

Project Link :grinning: https://codepen.io/Keith_Martens/full/YVMLmL/

UPD 27/06/2017 v.2 - more friendly for smaller screen sizes, added auto-search when start typing

UPD 13/07/2017 v.3 - cross browser (layout tested for 3 browsers + IE)

Nice, simple design. The search bar had me confused for a hot seconds, though. The green line seemed more like a separator than somewhere where I should type the search. But maybe that’s just this user’s error, haha.

I like your use of jquery dom methds, ie .addClass(), .text(), .attr(). I only used .html and .append for my code, so I would pass in a long string with all the html typed out. Not very pretty, and also very difficult to make sure I closed all of my tags, etc. You’ve inspired me to keep digging into these methods! Do you have a favorite resource you’ve learned these from, or do you just refer to the official docs? Thanks for sharing.

First of all, thank you! Yes, the green bar could be confusing! Instead, your design is very clear :slight_smile:

Well, I used to write code just like you do. One day I found a video tutorial on YouTube where an experienced developer was suggesting to write that way (without adding html to JS, unless it’s really necessary).
It’s easier to mantain, it’s more elegant and you don’t have to worry about tags. I don’t know if it’s even faster though.

Anyway, at the moment my resources are Jon Duckett’s book “JavaScript & jQuery”, StackOverflow (when I have doubts), MDN and W3Schools. I should even start a udemy course I bought for 10$ soon (The Web Developer Bootcamp from Colt).

I took a more minimalistic approach to mine. One can argue that I haven’t completed the user story. I just wanted to take a different approach to the whole thing.


Project link - https://codepen.io/rrzwarte/full/bRGZLJ/

Project Link:

Not the best of the designs but I did What I could and I strongly believe in progressive enhancement theory. Get it working and then polish bits and bobs continuously. Here is the link of my project please comment.

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My Wikipedia Viewer, simplistic and I added the autocomplete as bonus - https://codepen.io/Nazarja/pen/EXawzY


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Hello! This is my wikipedia viewer. Feedback is welcomed.


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Would love to know what you guys think! https://codepen.io/medjosh/pen/zzxyYZ?editors=1000

Project Link: https://codepen.io/anasshad/full/weaXVr/

Project Link - https://codepen.io/chartman4/full/zzBZVv/

You may want to clear the previous wiki results before appending the new ones. Congratulations on getting it done!

Congrats on getting it working! I like how your dynamic links open a new window by using the ’ target=’_blank’. Perhaps you should add it to the .

Project Link - https://codepen.io/Francois-Leblanc/pen/owBNZp

There’s another simple Wikipedia Viewer project. Not easy getting this to work, the API is very confusing and documentation just as much. :slight_smile:

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Here is my project
link https://codepen.io/DarkFM/full/QgdZLq

Here is my wikipedia viewer https://codepen.io/paweltar/full/jwBmNL/. I agree with @Francois-Leblanc, their Api is not the most transparent one at first sight. Somehow I was able to get title, description, image and url in two separate request. I stored all of this informations as array of objects to make it a little more readable for myself.

Here is my project link [https://codepen.io/thecognitivekey/full/mmZeoV/] (https://codepen.io/thecognitivekey/full/mmZeoV/)

Any feedback is most welcome. This one was rather a challenge