Local Weather Project!

Would love some feedback on my weather project. Using geolocation seems to be slower than the ipinfo.io api I had set up at first but CodePen wants to be a jerk.
Local Weather

Well, I´m not sharing geolocation so it won’t work for me :wink:
You have a mixed content warning:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://codepen.io/robwgreenjr/pen/NjJzvr' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image 'http://res.cloudinary.com/robwgreenjr/image/upload/v1495743581/lanscape_z6pogo.jpg'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

What was the problem with ipinfo.io?
I had no problems with it.
(You can use https://ipinfo.io)

Hmmm, I don’t know why it wasn’t working for me. I just put it back in and it works fine now with ipinfo.io. Fixed the HTTPS issue with images as well. Thank you!

Works fine for me. Did you encounter API passcode problem?