Looking for feedback on my portfolio and tribute pages

Just want to know if Im on the right track with the way Im coding. Using best practices, organization, design, ect. Any comments appreciated! Here’s the links:

Tribute page


One thing that is bugging me is that the links in my navbar are cutting off the headers they link to. I tried playing around with margins and padding but I’m not understanding the the issue.

I like your portfolio. Just a thought: maybe it would be better to align your “About me” with “Portfolio” etc.

As to your problem: I’ve solved it by creating empty divs before the headers and then linked my nav items to the ids of those divs, like this:


Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the tips! I aligned About me with Portfolio. I don’t understand your code really but I made empty divs before my headers with the appropriate IDs and added padding top of 30px to them. It worked, although I have a lot of padding above the headers now. Thanks again!

Edit: nevermind, I understand now. Fixed it without the padding.

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