Machine Learning with Python Projects - Book Recommendation Engine using KNN

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Hello, as I am doing the challenge, my values are coming wrong. I am wondering if the data has been updated or something. If so, perhaps the test needs to be modified too.

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Challenge: Machine Learning with Python Projects - Book Recommendation Engine using KNN

Link to the challenge:

Any tips or help is appreciated

I doubt the project has been modified in a while. There’s some older discussion about this project and bugs in the tests in the forums that I suggest you look at to make sure you’re running the correct tests (looks like you have the incorrect one).

Looking at your results, it appears that some books are being recommended that shouldn’t be and that is usually a data cleaning problem.

Thank you for the reply. Do you have any recommendation on how to clean the data?

Short of actual code, not really, but follow the specification and drop the users and ratings as indicated. You then need to combine the book and ratings data and drop duplicates.

There’s a project similar to this on the internet that appears to have inspired this one so if you get stuck you may want to look at it for insight.

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