Manage a Book Trading Club Project Review / Feedback

Hi campers, I wanted to share my completed project. I used to Google Books API to allow users to search for books and add them to their library. I relied on Mongoose to help with manage updates to the book and user models. I used bcrypt salt/hashing to encrypt user info for authentication. I used React and client-side React Router to build components and handle navigation. I used a flexbox model to style pages (not yet responsive). If I could do this again, I would use Redux for data storage and Mocha and Jest for testing. This app was bigger and more complex than others. Unit testing and data management would have helped me better manage the build process. Below’s the links to the completed project, let me know if you have any questions and I’d welcome your feedback! Thanks for taking a look.

(Changed links, thanks BenGitter!)

Used: HTML/CSS, Javascript, React, React Router, Node, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, Webpack, Babel



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You forgot to change the links.

if I try to search & add a book as an unauthenticated user, there is no program feedback like “must login to add books”, or if it was added, no feedback that it was.

pErhaps hiding the “add a book” button or disalbing it unti logged in would be helpful visual feedback

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I see what you mean, the user doesn’t get any feedback from the app that they need to be logged in. I’ll look into adding an error message or maybe making the button inactive with a tooltip. I wanted to make the app accessible to people who’re not signed in so that you can poke around first. Thanks for the tip, very helpful!