Medi word lab not accepting sentence

Tell us what’s happening:
It’s not passing. Does it have to be exactly like the solution, just a chain of all the words?

**var wordBlanks = "As I turned the corner I saw a " + myAdjective + " " + myNoun + " on the loose. We " + myAdverb + "started to " + myVerb + “in the other direction.”; **

var myNoun = "dog";
var myAdjective = "big";
var myVerb = "ran";
var myAdverb = "quickly";

// Only change code below this line
var wordBlanks = "As I turned the corner I saw a " + myAdjective + " " + myNoun + " on the loose. We " + myAdverb + "started to " + myVerb + "in the other direction."; 
"The " + myAdjective + " " + myNoun + " " + myVerb + " " + myAdverb + "."; // Only change this line;// Change this line
// Only change code above this line

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Challenge: Word Blanks

Link to the challenge:

Hello there,

Why do you have this line:

"The " + myAdjective + " " + myNoun + " " + myVerb + " " + myAdverb + "."; // Only change this line;

Also, the issue is clear, when you console.log(wordBlanks).

Hope this helps

I pasted in the answer from the video to compare. I am so glad the answer is clear to you but I was hoping for some help as in what is wrong with:’
var wordBlanks = "As I turned the corner I saw a " + myAdjective + " " + myNoun + " on the loose. We " + myAdverb + "started to " + myVerb + “in the other direction.”;
How do I put in the console log thing?

Don’t worry, I got the log thing to work and saw I needed more spaces. I was not impressed with your reply.