Mistake in "How Do the Different list-style Properties Work?" in Full-Stack Curriculum

Good day everyone :wave: :smile:

In the Full-Stack Curriculum lesson “How Do the Different list-style Properties Work?” in the CSS section, the video displays the incorrect styling for the list-style-position property. It displays the effect of list-style-position: outside when it says list-style-position: inside and vice versa. See the below screenshots.

Here, it says list-style-position: inside but displays the effect of list-style-position: outside:

and vice versa:

Apologies if this isn’t the right channel for this. I would open a ticket/issue on GitHub, but I don’t know how.

you can open a github issue using this link: Create an Issue

If you are not going to open it please let us know

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I’ve created the issue here: Incorrect Labeling in “How Do the Different list-style Properties Work?” in CSS Section of Full-Stack Curriculum · Issue #57872 · freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp · GitHub

Please let me know if there’s anything I need to change about it, or if it’s all good. This is my first time submitting a GitHub issue. Thank you!

thank you for helping making freeCodeCamp better!

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