MongoDB Create & Save the model. Doesn't save correctly

Hi, I create as required the code and double-check with the help code, but so far there is no success in passing the task. I have this error:

(node:2265) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MongooseTimeoutError: Server selection timed out after 30000 ms

* 3. FCC Mongo & Mongoose Challenges
* ==================================

/*  ================== */

/** 1) Install & Set up mongoose */

// Add mongodb and mongoose to the project's package.json. Then require 
// mongoose. Store your Mongo Atlas database URI in the private .env file 
// as MONGO_URI. Connect to the database using the following syntax:
// mongoose.connect(<Your URI>, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }); 
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URL,  { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true }); 

/** # SCHEMAS and MODELS #
/*  ====================== */

/** 2) Create a 'Person' Model */

// First of all we need a **Schema**. Each schema maps to a MongoDB collection
// and defines the shape of the documents within that collection. Schemas are
// building block for Models. They can be nested to create complex models,
// but in this case we'll keep things simple. A model allows you to create
// instances of your objects, called **documents**.

// Create a person having this prototype :

// - Person Prototype -
// --------------------
// name : string [required]
// age :  number
// favoriteFoods : array of strings (*)

// Use the mongoose basic *schema types*. If you want you can also add more
// fields, use simple validators like `required` or `unique`, and set
// `default` values. See the [mongoose docs](

// <Your code here >
let Schema = mongoose.Schema;
let personSchema = new Schema({
  name: String,
  age: Number,
  favoriteFoods :[String]

/* = <Your Model> */

// **Note**: Glitch is a real server, and in real servers interactions with
// the db are placed in handler functions, to be called when some event happens
// (e.g. someone hits an endpoint on your API). We'll follow the same approach
// in these exercises. The `done()` function is a callback that tells us that
// we can proceed after completing an asynchronous operation such as inserting,
// searching, updating or deleting. It's following the Node convention and
// should be called as `done(null, data)` on success, or `done(err)` on error.
// **Warning** - When interacting with remote services, **errors may occur** !

// - Example -
// var someFunc = function(done) {
//   ... do something (risky) ...
//   if(error) return done(error);
//   done(null, result);
// };

/** # [C]RUD part I - CREATE #
/*  ========================== */

/** 3) Create and Save a Person */

// Create a `document` instance using the `Person` constructor you build before.
// Pass to the constructor an object having the fields `name`, `age`,
// and `favoriteFoods`. Their types must be conformant to the ones in
// the Person `Schema`. Then call the method `` on the returned
// document instance, passing to it a callback using the Node convention.
// This is a common pattern, all the **CRUD** methods take a callback 
// function like this as the last argument.

// - Example -
// ...
//, data) {
// your stuff here...
// });

var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema)

var createAndSavePerson = function(done) {
     var Volodymyr = new Person({name: 'Volodymyr', age: 25, favoriteFoods: ['apple', 'kiwi']}) 
     console.log(Volodymyr), data) => {
    err ? console.error(err) :done(null, data)


** Link to the project itself**

Link to the challenge:

not an expert here, but can you try with return, like this?, data) => {
    if (err) return console.error(err);
    done(null, data);

Ok, thing is err is not a boolean type. It’s an object. I think it can work if you compare it to null, like this:, data) => {
		err!==null ? console.error(err) :done(null, data)

It was with, data) => {
    if (err) return console.error(err);
    done(null, data);

Didn’t work. Currently make it that way again.