Tell us what’s happening:
below code not working …mutation([“hello”, “hey”]); return true;
Your code so far
function mutation(arr) {
var first= arr[1].toLowerCase();
var last=arr[0].toLowerCase();
for(var i= 0;i<first.length;i++){
return false;
return true;
mutation(["hello", "hey"]);
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Link to the challenge:
I have to say this at the start, you need to make your code more readable. This is a BIG reason for why you don’'t understand what is happening.
If you have code that is nested inside a block, indent it, so you can easily understand what is inside the nested block and what isn’t.
Below is your edited code :
function mutation(arr) {
var first= arr[1].toLowerCase();
var last=arr[0].toLowerCase();
for(var i= 0;i<first.length;i++){
return false;
return true;
mutation(["hello", "hey"]);
Always open up a pair of curly brackets when using an if clause. Can you see where your problem is now?
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thank you! sir… I appreciate you taking the time to help and I will take care of this onwards.