My All Responsive Web Design Projects

Hello :slight_smile: I would like to hear your feedback (good or bad) about my RWD projects

  1. Tribute Page
  1. Survey Form
  1. Product Landing Page
  1. Technical Documentation Page
  1. Personal Portfolio Project
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nice job on your landing page! I like it. when it goes to mobile tho, the nav menu loses its fixed position.

also when i click on a link in the technical documentation page. all of the links will dissapear

I did that on purpose. Thought this fixed header takes too much space on small devices and the project still passes all tests.

Thanks for that catch! I totally forgot that I hide menu on link click. I have already fixed that and now when you click on link menu only hides on mobiles and tablets; on desktops is always visible.

Yes, the navigation bar is open by default. You can click hamburger menu to close it or click to link in the list and it will close as well.

The right frame isn’t cut off on the left side, but it’s behind the menu. I did that because I think that on small devices list of all list items is more important than content (less scrolling to find interesting material).

EDIT: I decided to hide the menu on mobile and tablets by default. On desktops is always open.