My answer is correct but it says it is incorrect

I’ve done the instructions correctly.
But when I click the ‘Run the Tests’ button, it shows me I’ve done many things incorrect. I have worked on this for 10 minutes now and it’s starting to get annoying.

// Variable declarations
var studlyCapVaR;
var properCamelCase;
var titleCaseOver;

// Variable assignments
studlyCapVar = 10;
properCamelCase = “A String”;
titleCaseOver = 9000;

// Variable declarations
var studlyCapVaR;
var properCamelCase;
var titleCaseOver;

// Variable assignments
studlyCapVar = 10;
properCamelCase = "A String";
titleCaseOver = 9000;

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Challenge: Understanding Case Sensitivity in Variables

Link to the challenge:

Woops. Small typo here.

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It should be a lower case ‘r’ at the end.

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