My certification doesn't appear accessible (legacy?)

I logged back in recently because i wanted to get more certifications and noticed the responsive web design certification I got back in 2021 isn’t showing properly when I try and click on it.

I believe the curriculum may have been updated and the one I got is the legacy version and when I click on the certification in my profile instead of going to my certification it redirects to

I think maybe its trying to take me to the new curriculum instead of showing my old certification, but I can’t say for sure. I attached some screenshots if they are helpful…I attached 1 screenshot because the forum is separate from the base site for some reason and the forum doesn’t allow more than 1 screenshot for new accounts.

I just read the notification on your ss and turns out that if you switch your timeline to be private, you won’t be able to see your certifications. I just tried it and that seems to be the case. Hope this helps!

I didn’t notice the notification. I checked the settings even though I didn’t change them and it fixed it. thank you.

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