My current Simon Says Project

I have finished my Simon Says. Would appreciate any constructive feedback. Simon Says link

I have made sure all the sound files match there corresponding color in javascript. I could not see any issue with duplicate sound file at each color. It plays correct sound for each color when running simon says game on my desktop.

if($(id).is('#red')){//If index is #red then play sound file assigned to it.
var myAudio = new Audio('');
	}else if($(id).is('#blue')){
	 myAudio = new Audio('');
  }else if($(id).is('#yellow')){
	  myAudio = new Audio('');
  }else if($(id).is('#green')){
	  myAudio = new Audio('');

My only problem is that when simonSequence function is executed on a android the second sound in random choice’s played by computer it does not play the sound and color does display as being light up by computer. I tried using audio element with preload and does not allow for sound files to be load before color is displayed. This is common issue with android and iphone.