My Own Portfolio [notIsFCCChallenge]

Hello, could you please review my portfolio?

P.S. please, don’t laugh at the photo :blush: Because it was (like we say in Russia) “сделано на коленке”

wow, pretty amazing :slight_smile:

I really like the design, but I think you have way to many projects on there. I think you should maybe have 6 of your best that highlight your skills.

Good idea. It looks like the most complicated projects are right at the end. They should be at the front so they will definitely be seen.

Thanks a lot for feedback)
I’ll try to fix all problems

Use a higher quality photo… or fix photo.


Not a big fan of the font… hard to read.
Or the salmon color.

At small device display, the font becomes even harder to read at that small size.

Adjust text line-height/font-size for your cards. When it word-wraps, you can see there is not enough line-height in between.

Subtlety! — mouseover scale doesn’t need to be that big a difference. A gentle magnification I think would work better.

No scroll bars? What if user does not have a wheel mouse?

It’s amazing
Thanks a lot!!!