My tribute page to Potatoes XD

Hey guys, here my tribute page project!

I miss two goals: I had not enugh fantasy and I wrote in italian :persevere:!
I’ll be really grateful if you can get a look and suggest me where to find exercise. I’d like to be better!
Thanks in advance :hugs:

I like how it looks in the desktop view, but it’s definitely not responsive. Since it’s a tribute page I don’t think it’s mandatory but consider it in your next project.
You can check for responsiveness in all the major browser opening the devtools ( usually ctrl + shift + I ) and clicking on the mobile icon ( the third from the left in the image below):

That will give you an idea about how your page will appear in a mobile device ^^

Keep going and happy coding :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for your reply! I’m studying and I hope to do better next time.
(I’ve just seen the mobile version of my tribute page and it’s awful :sweat_smile:)

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