#name-label ERROR survey form [solved]

I’ve been having the error while forking the the CodePen pen of the Survey Form.
This is the part of the code that corresponds with that:

<div class='form-group'>
            <label for='name' id='name-label'>
              <input type='text' name='name' id='name' class='form-control' placeholder='Tell me your name' required>

          <div class='form-group'>
            <label for='email' id='email-label'>
              <input type='email' name='email' id='email' class='form-control' placeholder='Tell me your e-mail' minlength='8' maxlength='60' required>

          <div class='form-group'>
            <label for='age' id='number-label'>
              <input type='number' name='age' id='number' class='form-control' placeholder='Tell me your Age' min='9' max='120' required>
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Hi @cristian158 !

Welcome to the forum!

Where are the form tags?

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I put the initial form tag just before the code I show.

Thanks for the fast reaction! :smiley:

<p>Name</p> <— these should not be p elements, you should write that text inside the label.

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Thanks for the hint, I rearrenged the syntax and now it doesn’t give me error!

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