Navbar authenication in ReactJs

I want to change the navbar when the user logs into the site. I created two navbars for the signup/login page I want to prevent the user from using the links on the actual website. However, once they have logged in the website with the right credentials then they can see the real links necessary to use in the website.

Use the auth state to conditionally render the navigations.

As we have no way of knowing how the auth is implemented that is about as generic an answer we can give.

How to find the auth when using local storage?

I don’t see what localStorage has to do with it? I also have no idea how your auth system is implemented.

Whatever auth implementation you have should give you something back to identify the user or some falsy value if they are not a user. Simply use that to conditionally render elements.

function App() {
  const [isAuthenticated, setIsAuthenticated] = useState(false);

  return (
    <div className="App">
      {isAuthenticated ? (
          <nav style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '1rem' }}>
            <a href="#">Home</a>
            <a href="#">Products</a>
            <a href="#">Contact</a>
          <button onClick={() => setIsAuthenticated(false)}>Sign out</button>
      ) : (
        <button onClick={() => setIsAuthenticated(true)}>Sign in</button>

Also, I tried that but basically, I want the user sees a different navbar then the navbar on the home page. How to accomplish this?

const Navbar = () => {
  const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(true);
  const [isLoggedOut, setIsLoggedOut] = useState(false);
  const auth = localStorage.getItem("bredding");
 return (
    {  auth ?
    <nav className="nav-ul navbar navbar-dark bg-zinc-800 fixed w-full top-0 z-10">
      <div className="container flex sm:flex-row flex-col gap-2 justify-between items-center">
        <h1 className="fs-3">
          <Link to='/' className="text-white ">
              <span className="hover:text-blue-600">Music Essentials</span>
        <div className="flex items-center gap-4">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-5 text-white">
              <a href="/home">Home</a>
              <div className="dropdown-menu">
                <Link to="/music">
                <div className="menu-content">
                  <a className="links-hidden" href="/genre">
                  <a className="links-hidden" href="/Hiphop">
                    Hip Hop
                  <a className="links-hidden" href="/Rock">
                  <a className="links-hidden" href="/EDM">
                  <a className="links-hidden" href="/RandB">
                  <a className="links-hidden" href="/Jazz">
              <Link to="/Store">
              <a href="/News">News</a>
              <a href="/Contact">Contact</a>

          {/* <div></div> */}

    <nav className="nav-ul navbar navbar-dark bg-zinc-800 fixed w-full top-0 z-10">
      <div className="container flex sm:flex-row flex-col gap-2 justify-between items-center">
        <h1 className="fs-3">
          <Link to='/' className="text-white ">
              <span className="hover:text-blue-600">Music Essentials</span>
        <div className="flex items-center gap-4">
          <ul className="flex items-center gap-5 text-white">
              <a href="/">Home</a>
              <div className="dropdown-menu">
                <Link >
                <div className="menu-content">
                  <a className="links-hidden">
                  <a className="links-hidden" >
                    Hip Hop
                  <a className="links-hidden">
                  <a className="links-hidden" >
                  <a className="links-hidden">
                  <a className="links-hidden" >
              <a >Contact</a>

          {/* <div></div> */}



it starting work closer, but a better question is I want the navbar to appear in certain routes or pathname how can this be come accomplished? for the authnav I only want that to be in signup/login routes and for the mainnav I want that to show in the home routes etc?

The code I posted was a simple example just to show the conditional rendering.

The auth state should be available app-wide. So using context or some state management lib. You wouldn’t co-locate the auth state inside the navigation. But that is not to say you can’t pass and use some auth info in the navigation component.

I assume you are using react-router so you can take a look at the auth example they have.

If the main navigation is behind a protected route it suggests to me that everything you can navigate to should be behind it, not just the navigation. Otherwise, people that know or guess the paths can just use the browser address bar to manually go to a route path.

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