Need help in Time calculator

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def add_time(start, duration, today=None):
    time = ""
    week = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]
    s_time, meridiem = start.split(" ")
    s_hour, s_minute = s_time.split(":")
    s_hour, s_minute = int(s_hour), int(s_minute)
    d_hour, d_minute = duration.split(":")
    d_hour, d_minute = int(d_hour), int(d_minute)
    minute = (s_minute + d_minute) % 60
    total_hours = (s_hour + d_hour) + ((s_minute + d_minute) // 60)
    days = total_hours // 24
    hour = total_hours % 24
    print('Minute:', minute)
    print("Total Hours:",total_hours)
    print("Hours:", hour)
    if hour >= 12:
        if hour > 12:
            hour %= 12 
        meridiem = "PM"
        meridiem = "AM"

    time += str(hour) + ":"

    if len(str(minute)) == 1:
        time += "0" + str(minute)
        time += str(minute)
    time += " " + meridiem

    print("Days: ",days) # Error in Days
    if days:
        next_day = days % 7
        if today:
            today = today.title()
            # print(((next_day + week.index(today)) % 7)) 
            time += ", " + week[((next_day + week.index(today) ) % 7)] # Code worked but logic is still need to be cleared.
            if next_day > 1:
                time += str(f"{next_day} days later")
            if next_day == 1:
                time += " (next day)"
        if today:
            time += ", "+ today.title()

    # if meridiem == "AM":
    #     if ((s_hour + d_hour) // 11) % 2 != 0:
    #         meridiem = "PM"
    # if meridiem == "PM":
    #     if ((s_hour + d_hour) // 11) % 2 == 0:
    #         meridiem = "AM"
    return time

print(add_time("11:59 PM", "24:05", "Wednesday")) # expected O/P "00:03 AM Thursday" 

""" add_time("3:00 PM", "3:10")
# Returns: 6:10 PM

add_time("11:30 AM", "2:32", "Monday")
# Returns: 2:02 PM, Monday

add_time("11:43 AM", "00:20")
# Returns: 12:03 PM

add_time("10:10 PM", "3:30")
# Returns: 1:40 AM (next day)

add_time("11:43 PM", "24:20", "tuesday")
# Returns: 12:03 AM, Thursday (2 days later)

add_time("6:30 PM", "205:12")
# Returns: 7:42 AM (9 days later) """

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Challenge: Time Calculator

Link to the challenge:

Hey can anyone help me out here?

Sure, can you tell us what the problem is?

Not getting proper logic which should be applied for days and meridiam.
For ex: Current time = “11:59 PM”,
Addition time = “24:05”,
Current day = “Wednesday”

Actual o/p - 12:04 PM, Thursday
Expected o/p - 12:04 AM, Friday.

Your meridian code assumes everything beyond 12 would be PM. However if the day changes, it could be AM again.

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