Need Help on Arithmetic Formatter verification problem

Tell us what’s happening:
After correcting the last verification errors extra 4 spaces
The problem moved to

AssertionError: 'Error: Too many problems.' != '  11      3801      1      123         1\[79 chars]----'
- Error: Too many problems.
+   11      3801      1      123         1
+  4    - 2999    + 2    +  49    - 9380
----    ------    ---    -----    ------
 : Expected different output when calling "arithmetic_arranger()" with ["11 + 4", "3801 - 2999", "1 + 2", "123 + 49", "1 - 9380"]

Ran 6 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1)

Your code so far

if not len(problems) < 5 :
    arranged_problems = "Error: Too many problems." 
    return "Error: Too many problems." 
  else :  
    for index, problem in enumerate(problems):

it works but it fails verification no matter how I implement the if statment
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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge: - boilerplate-arithmetic-formatter

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