Need help on building my portfolio page

Good evening can someone help me with the write answer to this: The projects section should contain at least one element with a class of project-tile to hold a project.

Welcome to the forums @Usuah.

What have you tried so far?

Have you completed the Responsive Web Design curriculum prior to starting the projects and are you doing the projects in order?
If so, you should know how to create an element that has a class attribute with the name it’s asking for.

Through with the project.
I have completed the project but have not received the certificate.
I have been taken to the next project.
how do I receive my participatory web design certificate

Have you completed all five projects? If so, go to the “Profile” tab, then click “update my account setting” and then scroll down to the bottom of the page. You can see your solution of the projects. You can claim your certificate there.

Thank you so much, I have seen it.

How do I add my certificate to my mail?

It does not let you download a PDF file, but you can add the certificate to LinkedIn. Simply use the link to share anyone if you need it.


Thank you,