Do you know why? I’ve been stuck on this step for an hour and I can’t find the answer to it anywhere
can you share your code?
function pick(guess) {
const numbers = [];
while (numbers.length < 10) {
numbers.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 11));
text.innerText = "You picked " + guess + ". Here are the random numbers:\n";
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
text.innerText += numbers[i] + "\n";
I finished the course, but I was wondering why " it needs to be concatenated using a plus sign" as I’ve not seen this in the previous courses. Thanks.
I’m currently working on this module, and though I figured it out, I’m still a bit confused as to why the concatenated operator was required? Is it always required when adding a new line with anything other than a string? Thoughts @freeCodeCamp ?
Hi @n_vietlong and @EmanF !
Welcome to the forum!
I moved this conversation into its own topic.
It looks like both of you essentially have the same question about how the +
operator works.
The answer is that the +
operator has two purposes.
One purpose is to add numbers
The other purpose is to concatenate strings
Here is a codepen showing different examples of the plus operator
Also, MDN docs has a good explanation what what is happening
But here is the summary of it.
When working with 2 number types, then the +
is used to add those numbers
3+7 // 10
If you have two strings, then the +
operator is for string concatenation
"Hello " + "World" // "Hello World"
if you have a string and a number, then the number would be converted to a string type and then the +
would use string concatentation
9 + " random text" //9 random text
the newline character is used to create a new line
function stringsWithNewlines(str1, str2) {
return str1 + "\n" + str2;
console.log(stringsWithNewlines("Roses are red", "Violets are blue,"));
// result
"Roses are red
Violets are blue,"
hope that helps
It is one way (there are more) to craft a longer string where the content of a variable (the value) is introduced as part of the larger string.
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