Need Help with java assignment

Hi I need help with this java assignment if someone can help me I would gladly appreciate it. Thank you.

1.Array multiplication: Write a program that creates an array of 10 numbers.
Have the user input the numbers into the array as double. Then take all of
the numbers and multiply them. Use methods to enter in the numbers into
the array and have the main method output it. (10 points)

  1. Evens and odd: Write a program that allows the user to enter in numbers. Let
    user enter 10 numbers. Once the numbers have been entered, write methods
    that lists how many even and odd numbers there are in the array. Have one
    method for listing even numbers and another for odd. (10 points)

  2. Duplicates and order: You are given an int array that contains these
    numbers: 3, 4, 6, 5, 9, 11, 20, 20, 17, 8, 10, and 8. Write a program that first
    orders(sorts) the number and then remove the duplicates. Have methods that
    order the number and another method to remove the duplicate numbers. (20

  3. Identical: Write a program that has the user enter number for two int arrays.
    Each array must be of length 5 and there should not be any duplicates in
    each array. Once the user completes entering in numbers, test to see if the
    two arrays have identical numbers or not. If there are any identical numbers,
    print them. (30 points)

  4. Write a program to make a diamond using nested loops. (30 points)

Thanks for info! Very helpful