Need help with problem 49 from web response

Need help with problem 49, the program wont accept vaule code. What am i doing wrong?

  1. Responsive Web Design
  2. Learn HTML by Building a Cat Photo App

Step 49

Step 49 from web response

If you select the Indoor radio button and submit the form, the form data for the button is based on its name and value attributes. Since your radio buttons do not have a value attribute, the form data will include indoor-outdoor=on, which is not useful when you have multiple buttons.

Add a value attribute to both radio buttons. For convenience, set the button’s value attribute to the same value as its id attribute.


<label><input id="indoor" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" vaule="indoor"> Indoor</label>
<label><input id="outdoor" type="radio" name="indoor-outdoor" vaule="outdoor"> Outdoor</label>

Hi there and welcome to our community!

It looks like all that is wrong with your code is that you have mispelled the name of the value attributes.

For future reference:
The best way to ask for help with a particular challenge is to click the Help button, which appears after you have submitted incorrect code three times.

This will create a forum post which automatically includes your full code, a direct link to the challenge and an opportunity for you to describe your issue in detail.

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