Need Help With selecting Random Color Select To Light Up: Simon Says Game

Could anyone please help me with selecting a random color in my htm to light up .I have figured out how light up single color if player click’s a color but cant figure how to randomly allow the computer to lit up a color. Here is my code at codepen Things i have tried was an array filled with the html colors classes names ex var colors = [".red",".blue",".yellow",".green"]; colors = Math.floor(Math,random() * colors.length);

I have shorten my code and added sound files to simon game. I’m having issues running a loop for the random choices of computer lighting up colors in simon game. It is not changing colors opacity back to normal when lighting up colors. My current project link

I am still having issues with mixed sounds and colors not taking turns randomly to lit up. eg red then blue or yellow then blue with interval. It seems to rapidly change colors and change sound. Here is my latest attempt at fixing the sound issue and timing of the colors randomly chosen by computer.

In the Start button click event, you have

setInterval(function() { = computerDisplay(); //() to execute the function!
}, 800);

That setInterval will keep going forever and execute computerDisplay every 800ms. The computerDisplay function will then iterate and play 4 random colors/sounds.